
对我国再生水设施生产率的探讨与思考 被引量:1

Exploring and Thinking over the Productivity of Reclaimed Water Facilities in China
摘要 我国再生水利用量逐年增加,在北方缺水城市再生水已成为景观生态和工业冷却用水的主要水源。以再生水开发利用为切入点,分析近年来我国再生水设施生产能力和生产率变化趋势,从政策制度、规划配置、水源水量、终端用户、管网建设、成本水价、社会经济、水资源赋存条件等方面分析再生水产能过剩的原因。通过比较分析,认为造成产能过剩的原因:1缺少专项规划,盲目投资建设,造成有厂无网,有网无用户,有用户无水源的产能过剩;2缺乏优惠政策,市场培育不足,潜在用户没有挖掘,加之核心设备靠进口,增大建设成本,成本水价倒挂,影响生产率的提高;3各地经济发展水平各异,投入力度不同,产能差距较大,北京再生水设施、设备生产率达到80%以上,接近国际发达国家水平,宁夏不足20%,4/5的产能闲置。故认为现阶段开发利用再生水应以政策引导、培育市场为主,发挥再生水作为供水水源的市场作用,通过规划、标准、监管等技术或管理手段,规范市场行为,保证再生水供水安全,提高再生水利用率,解决资源配置和产能过剩的问题,使再生水利用科学、有序、健康、安全。 With the development of our social economy, the improvement of urbanization rate, water shortage, wa- ter environment deterioration, weak water management, low water use efficiency are increasingly highlighted. Prob- lems of water resource has already become a bottleneck which restricts the social and economic development of our country, become the important restriction factor of sustainable development. From the perspective of resources and environment, reclaimed water development and utilization could increase water supply, alleviate water crisis, reduce emissions, improve water environment, increase reuse, improve water efficiency, solve water resource shortage in our country, is one of the main means of easing the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources. The development and utilization of non conventional water volume in China increased year by year; the reclaimed water in the northern city of water shortage has become the main water source for the landscape environment and industrial cooling water. In this paper, taking the development and utilization of reclaimed water as the breakthrough point, the authors analyze regeneration equipment production capacity and productivity in recent years, the change trend of wa- ter facilities, the reasons from the aspects of regeneration aquatic overcapacity policy, planning, allocation of water quantity ,the terminal user, network construction, the cost price, social economy, water resource occurrence condi- tions etc. Through the comparative analysis, the authors thought that at the present stage, development and utilization of non conventional water resources should be based on the policy guidance, the cultivation of market oriented, play a non conventional water resources as the role of the market supply of water, through the planning, standards, super- vision technology or management means to regulate market behavior, ensure unconventional water supply security, improve the utilization of unconventional water resources, solve the configuration and the problem of excess produc- tion capacity, so that the use of reclaimed water is science, orderly, healthy, safety.
作者 田园馨 曲炜
出处 《干旱区研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期448-452,共5页 Arid Zone Research
基金 水利部水资源管理 节约与保护(1261421610004)
关键词 再生水 设施 生产率 水资源赋存 reclaimed water facility production rate occurrence of water resources
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