
基于SE-DEA模型的西安市土地利用效率及优化对策 被引量:18

Research on Land Use Efficiency and Optimal Strategies in Xi'an Based on SE-DEA Model
摘要 基于SE-DEA模型,以西安市9区4县的从业人员、建设用地面积、固定资产投资和财政支出作为投入指标,以二、三产业生产总值、财政收入和人口密度作为产出指标,对2009年及2001—2009年的土地利用效率动态变化进行测算和分析,并依据投入和产出导向型的最合理规划结果,提出土地利用效率的优化策略。结果表明:1西安市土地利用效率较低,投入冗余而产出不足;2研究时段全市的土地利用超效率平均值及其标准差都呈倒"U"型变化趋势,变化特征可分为稳步上升、持续下降、先降后升及先升后降4种类型;3采用SE-DEA模型可有效地区分土地利用效率为1的各区县间的土地利用效率的高低程度,相较于传统的DEA模型在分析方法上更具备优势。 Land is the most important resource for human being. Limited availability of natural land leads to its limited supply; it's also the physical premise of one city's survival and development. The land use scale, struc- ture, efficiency and rationalization degree is the concentrated reflection of regional economic scale, development level and characteristics. Since the 1990 's, with the rapid ascension of urbanization level, most cities in China are facing a prominent contradiction of land supply and demand tension; urban land use efficiency study has become hot research field of geography. In this paper, selecting employees, construction land area, investment in fixed as- sets and financial expenditures as input indicators, gross production of secondary and tertiary industries, fiscal reve- nue and population density as output indicators, the authors measured the land use efficiency in each district and county of Xi'an city based on the SE-DEA model and analyzed its spatiotemporal dynamic variation rule from 2001 to 2009. At last the authors put forward the optimizing strategy according to the most reasonable, input-oriented and output-oriented planning result. The results indicated that: first, the land use efficiency of Xi'an is low with input redundancy and output deficiency; Second, both the mean and standard deviation of land use super efficiency change show the shape of inverted "U" and the variation characteristics can be divided into four types, namely ris- ing steadily, declining continually, decreasing firstly and then increasing or the adverse; third, SE-DEA model can distinguish the districts and counties more effectively, whose land use efficiency are beyond one, has more advanta- ges on the analysis method compared with the traditional DEA model, give the sort of land use efficiency land use efficiency and provides more powerful basis for improving the land use efficiency of Xi 'an city.
出处 《干旱区研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期630-636,共7页 Arid Zone Research
基金 陕西省自然科学基金项目(2011JQ5011) 国家自然科学基金项目(41171142) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(41301170)
关键词 土地利用效率 SE-DEA模型 优化对策 西安 land use efficiency SE-DEA model optimizing strategy Xi 'an
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