
“十三五”时期我国区际产业转移促进居民增收问题研究——基于中西部地区的实证分析 被引量:2

“Thirteen Five”Period of China's Regional Industrial Transfer to Promote Residents Incomeincrease
摘要 当前我国中西部地区与东部地区在区域福利方面存在较大差距,相对差距仍不断扩大。近年来,中西部地区承接东部产业转移进程中,在其内在增收机制作用下,即中西部承接产业转入引致需求增长、居民就业增加,以及中西部劳动力供给下降导致用工成本增加、职工工资增长,在总体上促进了中西部地区居民就业的较大增加、收入的较快提高,产生了明显的区域收入效应,在一定程度上抑制了中西部地区与东部地区居民收入拉大的趋势,对我国各区域之间协调发展有着重要的促进作用。在"十三五"时期,政府的政策在影响产业转移引致的区域收入效应上,主要作用点在于:一是政策会影响产业空间转移中的区域收入效应的流量;二是政策会影响产业空间转移中的区域收入效应的强度。这对于我国在"十三五"时期缩小区域之间的收入水平差距、促进我国各地区协调发展有着重要意义。 At present, there is a big gap between the central and western regions and the eastern part of the re- gion, the relative gap is still widening. In recent years, the central and western regions in the process of industrial transfer, in which the central and western regions to undertake industrial transfer to the demand growth, increase employment, and the decline in the supply of labor costs, increase employment costs, and promote the rapid in- crease in population and income. In 45 period, government policies affect the industrial transfer in regional income effect caused by, primary role is national level and local government policy will influence space industry transfer in regional income effect of flow; the second is national level and local government policy will influence space industry transfer in regional income effect of strength. This for our country in the period of 45 reduced levels of income gap be- tween regions and promote the coordinated development in various regions of our country is of great significance. After the reform and opening up, with the deepening of industrialization, in the eastern area of our country, the economy maintained faster and stabilization of the growth, but the elements of spatial agglomeration, prices rise lead to industry development, land, labor and other costs, and the face of the resources and environment constraints bottleneck of increasingly serious, some of the leading industry especially labor-intensive industries to accelerate the transfer to the central and western regions. China's central and western regions to undertake industrial transfer of major provinces, such as Anhui, Chongqing,, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Beijing, Shaanxi and other regions. In this period, the central and western regions to undertake industrial transfer in the eastern region of the specific industry mainly include: traditional labor-intensive industries and capital intensive industries, specifically, such as clothing shoes, metal products, toys and other industries, ceramics, cement and other building materials in- dustry and non-ferrous metals industry, and IT, home appliances and other information industry. The low cost advan- tage of the central and western regions has promoted the industry of the eastern region to its immigration, which has led to the improvement of the economic development of the region and the income level of the residents. In next period, industrial transfer of regional income effect caused by adjusting the gap of economic develop- ment between the regions, countries from the global point of view, providing the necessary policy support, encour- age the eastern region to actively undertake international industrial transfer and promote the eastern part of the in- dustry and orderly move in the central and western regions. The national development and Reform Commission, Ministry of industry, Ministry tral and western regions unde of Finance and other departments should according to "the State Council on the cen- rtaking industrial transfer instruction opinion" to determine the objectives and tasks, in the 45 planning "and constantly enrich and improve the content of policy support, and actively implement the policies of government planning. Based on the orderly transfer of industry, scientific undertaking, the country needs to establish a comprehensive policy support system, strengthen key areas to support and promote the development environment, improve the regional development environment, and regulate the flow of industrial elements, and a- chieve the maximization of regional income effects. On the whole, the industrial transfer has a positive impact on the income growth of residents in the central and western regions. In 45 period, government policies affect the industrial transfer in regional income effect caused by, the main role is a is the flow of national level and local government's policy influence space industry transfer in re- gional income effect; second is the strength of the national level and local government's policy influence space in- dustry transfer in regional income effect.
作者 孙浩进
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期30-37,共8页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"我国产业转移对区域收入差距的影响研究"(13BJL084)
关键词 收入差距 区际产业转移 区域收入效应 income gap regional industrial transfer regional income effect
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