
数字监护研究中档案学理论的应用及启示探析 被引量:13

摘要 文章通过梳理国外数字监护研究中对档案学理论的借鉴与应用状况,认为国外数字监护研究十分注重档案学科的参与性,并有效借鉴与吸收来源原则、档案鉴定理论与文件生命周期理论等档案学基本理论;对比分析国内数字监护研究现状,发现国内档案界对其研究凤毛麟角。档案学参与数字监护研究具有重要意义。借鉴国外档案学参与数字研究的经验,我国档案学界应当从更新观念提高认识、发扬优势积极参与、加强教育培养人才、结合实践深入研究方面着手相关工作。 This paper combs the participation and application of archives' principles and basic theories in digital euration abroad, finds that abroad digital euration pays attention to the participation of the archival science, and refers to basic theories of archives, such as provenance principle, archives appraisal theory and document life cycle theory. However digital curation research in our country ignores archives' participation with the comparison and analysis of domestic research, although it's important for archives to take part in it. Referring to experiences of archives' participation abroad, domestic archives should set out to concept's updating, advantages' developing, talents' training, and practice's combination.
作者 毛天宇
出处 《档案学通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期34-38,共5页 Archives Science Bulletin
关键词 数字监护 科学数据 档案学理论 Digital Curation Science data Archives science theories
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