
个体叙事中的“资格”与“移情” 被引量:11

Entitlement and Empathy in Personal Narrative
摘要 近些年来,许多学者的关注点从集体叙事转向了个体叙事。通过个体叙事或个体经验来理解现实社会多样性的做法,为民俗学学科注入了新的活力。"互动式"叙事研究是关注个体叙事的重要视角,它强调从讲述者和听众的互动关系上分析叙事的过程及意义。就具体学术实践来看,"互动式"叙事研究在关注个体叙事,尤其是"可得性叙事"时,不可避免地会涉及到两个基本问题,即"资格"和"移情"。"资格"主要谈论的是谁有权利讲述故事,而"移情"是对于"资格"主张的反诉。 In recent years,the main concern for many scholars has been changed from collective narrative to personal narrative,as it provides a new possibility for the discipline of folklore studies to understand the diversity of social facts from individual narrative or experience.An important perspective of personal narrative is the study of interaction narrative,which emphasizes to explore the process and meaning of narrative from the interactive relationship between narrator and audience.Two issues are unavoidable when the study of interactive narrative focuses on personal narratives,especially available narratives,namely,entitlement and empathy.Entitlement talks about who has the right to narrate,while empathy is the counterargument of entitlement.
出处 《民俗研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期37-42,158,共6页 Folklore Studies
关键词 个人经验叙事 资格 移情 可得性叙事 personal experience narrative entitlement empathy available narrative
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