
自我控制可以抵御不良示范性规范对初中生环保行为的影响吗? 被引量:9

Can Self-control Resist the Effect of Negative Descriptive Norms on Middle School Students' Pro-environmental Behavior?
摘要 本研究检验不良示范性规范对初中生环保行为的影响是否受其自我控制的调节。研究1通过假设情境操纵示范性规范,测量初中生的自我控制能力和环保意愿;研究2在实验室情境下同时操纵示范性规范和初中生的自我控制状态,并测量其环保行为。结果表明,不良示范性规范显著降低初中生的环保意愿及环保行为;特质性和状态性自我控制水平越高,初中生的环保意愿就越高,其环保行为也越多;更重要的是,自我控制并不能有效抵御不良示范性规范对初中生环保意愿和环保行为的消极影响。 Negative descriptive norms affect individuals’ pro-environmental behavior,yet whether self-control can resist the effect of negative descriptive norms is unknown. Therefore,we explored if self-control moderates the relation between negative descriptive norms and pro-environmental intention and behavior,based on a sample of middle school students in Beijing. In Study 1,376 participants completed a questionnaire containing self-control ability and pro-environmental intention( which was measured through a hypothetical scenario with literal descriptive norms manipulation). In Study 2,a laboratory experiment was conducted and 168 participants were recruited. Self-control state was manipulated through ego depletion task( ego-depletion group vs. control group),and descriptive norms were manipulated by setting the environment of the laboratory( very dirty vs. normal). Also the participants’ pro-environmental behavior( taking away plastic packing bag) was measured. The results showed that,negative descriptive norms decreased the participants’ pro-environmental intention and behavior; both trait and state self-control positively predicted the participants’ pro-environmental intention and behavior; however,self-control did not moderate the relation between negative descriptive norms and pro-environmental intention and behavior.That being said,self-control could not resist the effect of negative descriptive norms on middle school students’ proenvironmental behavior.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期106-113,共8页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(10JJDXLX002) 北京市教育委员会项目(PXM2014_014202_07_000067) 积极心理学研究基金项目(2015)
关键词 示范性规范 自我控制 环保行为 初中生 descriptive norms self-control pro-environmental behavior middle school students
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