
股东会决议效力的判断标准与判断原则 被引量:37

Judgment Criterions and Principles of the Effect of Shareholder Meeting Resolution
摘要 股东会决议是多个股东的抽象意思表示,是公司意志与决策的载体,如果股东会决议程序上或实质上的瑕疵将直接影响决议的效力。对决议效力瑕疵的救济,既是维护股东权益又是保障公司健康运营的需要。我国《公司法》虽然规定了股东会决议瑕疵诉讼制度,但对个别股东在股东会决议中的意思表示瑕疵,还须依据民法通则相关规定与原理对股东意思表示的效力进行认定,股东意思表示未生效将影响整个股东会决议的效力。此外,对决议效力的认定须在多项司法原则指引下进行个案裁量,平衡不同原则之间的冲突。 Shareholder meeting resolution is an abstract representation of shareholders, and the carrier of a company' s determinations and decisions. Resolutions with procedural or substantive defects can be declared invalid or be withdrawn by a court, which could protect the legitimate rights and interests of shareholders, and create a favorable legal environment for companiesj healthy operations. Article 22 of China~ "Company Law" regulates the litigation rules of defective shareholder meeting resolutions, but under the circumstances of defec- tive individual shareholder' s intentions, China' s "Civil Law" should also be considered to determine the effect of individual shareholder' s intentions, which will have influence on the effect of shareholder meeting resolutions. That' s to say, if an individual shareholder' s intention does not take effect, it might affect the va- lidity of the entire shareholder meeting resolution. In addition, the effect of the resolution should be identified with discretion under the guidance of a number of judicial principles in order to balance the conflicts between those principles.
作者 赵心泽
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《政法论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期150-159,共10页 Tribune of Political Science and Law
关键词 股东会决议 效力瑕疵 判断标准 判断原则 个案裁量 Shareholder Meeting Resolution Validity Defects Judgment Criterions Judgment Principles Discretion
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  • 4See Black' s Law Dictionary, West Publishing Co., 5th edition, 1979, p. 564.
  • 5Charlesworth and Mores, Company Law, 14th edition, Sweet & Maxwell Press, 1991, pp. 430-431.
  • 6Lebld v Inland Steel Co., 125 F 2d 369.
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