本文在成绵乐城际铁路CRTS I型板式无砟轨道结构水泥乳化沥青(CA)砂浆充填层施工的基础上,针对施工过程中容易出现的三个典型质量问题,轨道板与充填层之间脱空,充填层表面褶皱和油污污染进行了详细介绍,并重点分析了这些问题产生的原因,对结构的危害以及控制措施,以供同行参考。
In view of the construction of CA mortar filling layer of the CRTS I type plate ballastless track structure in Chengdu- Mianyang-Leshan High Speed Railway, this paper introduces the three typical problems in the construction: pavement between track plate and pack, filling layer surface folding and oil contamination pollution. The causes, damages and control measures of these problems are analyzed for reference.
Value Engineering