
洪述祖——“刺宋案”唯一主谋 被引量:5

Hong Shuzu(洪述祖):the Sole Chief Instigator in the Case of Assassination of Song Jiaoren(宋教仁)
摘要 "宋案"是由多个情节次第演进而成的复杂案件,杀宋是最后一个环节。杀宋之意产生于袁世凯主导、赵秉钧参与的洪、应构陷"孙黄宋"计划失败之后,造意者为洪述祖。洪与赵关系并不融洽,因此他不可能将杀宋计划告赵,加之赵在宋被刺前多日已将"应密"电本交与洪掌管,故赵对洪、应图谋杀宋并不知情。洪、袁关系极为密切,洪曾试探袁是否同意"收拾"反对党一二人,被袁拒绝,洪遂转而以子虚乌有的"燬宋酬勋位"及"债票特别准",诱使应杀宋。故洪实为"刺宋案"唯一主谋。袁虽与刺宋无直接关系,但由于案发对其竞选正式大总统造成极大冲击,一旦宋案其他情节再曝光于法庭,对其将更不利,故他明知洪为杀宋主谋,仍故纵其至青岛德国租界,明知赵与杀宋无关,仍竭力阻止其到沪自证清白,洪因此得以暂时逃脱严惩,赵则牺牲了个人声誉,成为袁的"挡箭牌"。 The Case of Assassination of Song Jiaoren(宋案) is a complicated one evolved by a series of plots. The first intention to kill Song Jiaoren(宋教仁) came from Hong Shuzu(洪述祖),after the failure of plan of making false charges against "Sun Yat- sen,Huang Xing and Song Jiaoren",which was made by Hong Shuzu and Ying Kuicheng(应夔丞),and dominated by Yuan Shih- kai(袁世凯). Hong did not get along well with Zhao Bingjun(赵秉钧),thus he would not have given the"Assassination of Song Plan"away to Zhao. What's more,Zhao had given the cipher telegram code to Hong several days before Song's assassination. Thus he should not have known about Hong and Ying's plot to kill Song. Hong went really close with Yuan. Hong had sounded Yuan out whether the latter wanted to "clear up"several members of his opposition party and had been refused by Yuan. Hong then instigated Ying to kill Song by luring him with granting Xun position(a kind of honorary position) and national debt at relatively low price with the government's special permission. Hong therefore was the sole chief instigator in "the Case of Assassination of Song Jiaoren". Although Yuan is not directly linked to this,he released Hong to German settlement in Qingdao with knowing that Hong is the sole chief instigator in this case,and prevented Zhao from proving his own innocence with knowing that Zhao is not involved in this case. Yuan did this just because this case posed great impact on his running for formal president and exposure of more details was unfavorable to his situation,for which Hong escaped temporarily from punishment and Zhao became the shield for Yuan with his own reputation all lost.
作者 尚小明
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期5-28,共24页 Collected Papers of History Studies
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目"真相所在:民初史事与人物"(41917812-021)成果之一
关键词 宋案 洪述祖 袁世凯 赵秉钧 应夔丞 国民党 Case of Assassination of Song Jiaoren(宋案) Hong Shuzu(洪述祖) Yuan Shih-kai(袁世凯) Zhao Bingjun(赵秉钧) Ying Kuicheng(应夔丞) Kuomintang
  • 相关文献


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  • 2抹炎:《宋案勘言》,《民立报》,1913年5月3日,第2页.
  • 3《第二十二件应夔丞呈制定宪法稿三纸附原稿一纸》(1913年1月30日),《前农林总长宋教仁被刺案内应夔丞家搜获函电文件检查报告》,第20页.
  • 4血儿:《驳赵秉钧之通电·铁证如山尚可掩饰耶》(四续),《民立报》,1913年5月6日,第2页.
  • 5《国民党哀悼宋教仁大会之情形》,《顺天时报》,1913年3月31日,第2版.
  • 6黄远庸:《春云再展之政局》(1913年4月2日),《远生遗著》卷3,商务印书馆影印本1984年版,第95页.
  • 7《举国同声一哭之宋先生·言敦源之鬼话》,《民立报》,1913年4月23日,第6页.
  • 8《第九件洪述祖寄应夔丞信三纸》(1912年11月29日),《前农林总长宋教仁被刺案内应夔丞家搜获函电文件检查报告》第12页.
  • 9《第四十三件洪述祖寄应夔丞电底一纸》(1913年3月18日下午3点7分上海电报局收到北京发寄第四等3724号电报),《前农林总长宋教仁被刺案内应夔丞家搜获函电文件检查报告》,第33页.
  • 10《孙宝琦致盛宣怀函五十》,王尔敏、吴伦霓霞主编:《盛宣怀实业朋僚函稿》,香港中文大学1997年版,第1496页.


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