
云计算环境下信任机制综述 被引量:14

Survey on Trust Mechanisms in the Environment of Cloud Computing
摘要 云计算可以快速提升企业能力,并且不需要花费巨资增加新基础设施、培训新员工或取得新软件的许可证等.因此只用了短短几年,云计算就从商业概念发展成IT企业中快速发展的业务之一.尽管如此,目前大多数企业用户还是不愿意将其核心业务部署到云上,主要原因就是信任缺失问题,表现为:在云计算环境下用户失去了数据控制权;云服务器缺乏透明性;云服务提供商给出的安全保证是不清晰的等.因此为了增强用户对云计算的信心,信任机制应运而生,成为研究热点.本文对目前云环境下的信任机制进行了综述.将这些方法大致分为五类:基于声誉的、基于SLA的、基于审计的、基于互联云的和基于加密的信任机制.着重从以下几个方面进行分析:给出了每种机制的通用框架和一般工作过程;评价了每种机制中主要文献的优点和缺点;对比分析了每种机制下的不同方法;然后,给出了这五种机制分别满足的信任和安全属性;最后对全文进行总结,并分别给出了五种机制将来研究方向. Cloud computing is a way to quickly increase the capacity without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, orlicensing new software. So in the last few years, cloud computing has grown from being a promising business concept to one of the fastgrowing segments of the IT industry. However most of enterprise customers are still reluctant to deploy their core businesses onto thecloud. One of the reasons for this is lack of trust. For example in the cloud computing the users lose control over their data;Moreoverthe cloud servers are not transparent;Furthermore the security assurances given by cloud service provider are not clear and so on.Therefore in order to enhance consumer's confidence in the cloud computing, the trust mechanisms come into being and become a hottopic. In this paper we survey the trust mechanism in the cloud computing. Roughly the current trust mechanism can be divided intofive categories: reputation-based, SLA-based, audit-based, intercloud-based and encrypfion-based. At first each mechanism is emphati-cally analyzed as follows:the general framework is introduced as well as the work:flow;also the typical methods are evaluated andcompared;Then we give the properties of trust and security with which each mechanism can meet;Finally we describe the future re-search directions of these five mechanisms.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期1-11,共11页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61303117)资助 湖北省自然科学基金项目(2014CFB817)资助
关键词 云计算 信任 安全 隐私 cloud computing trust security privacy
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