
大数据时代的轨道交通公共安全体系研究 被引量:4

Research on Public Safety System of Rail Transit in the Era of Big Data
摘要 公共安全连着千家万户,加强公共安全体系建设,确保公共安全事关人民群众生命财产安全,事关改革发展稳定大局。轨道交通作为承载城市运输的大动脉,其公共安全的保障工作在现代城市治理的统筹布局中始终占据着举足轻重的关键地位。本文研究了大数据背景下的城市轨道交通公共安全体系的建设背景、核心概念、发展现状和体系架构,分析了体系的三个主要组成部分—公共安全框架、风险治理模型和应急管理平台的核心内容,描述了建设公共安全体系需要的相关大数据技术。 Public safety is crucial for the numerous families. Strengthen the construction of public safety system to ensure public safety is vital for people's life and property safety and the social's overall situation of reform, development and stability. As a large artery carrying urban transportation, safety of rail transit plays an important role in the modern city governance. This paper studies the background, key concepts, development status and system architecture of the public safety system of urban rail transit with regard to the background of big data, analyzes the three main components of the system: public safety framework, risk governance model and emergency management platform, and describes the relevant big data technology to build public safety system.
作者 孔磊
出处 《软件产业与工程》 2016年第1期49-52,56,共5页
关键词 轨道交通 公共安全 大数据 Rail Transit, Public Safety, Big Data
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