
合成气经二甲醚/乙酸甲酯制无水乙醇的研究进展 被引量:17

Advances in indirect synthesis of ethanol from syngas via dimethyl ether/methyl acetate
摘要 乙醇是一种重要的清洁能源,可以作为燃油替代品或者含氧添加剂使用,市场潜力巨大。由合成气出发,经二甲醚羰基化合成乙酸甲酯、乙酸甲酯加氢制乙醇是近年来备受关注的乙醇合成新工艺。该工艺选择性高、反应条件温和、催化剂价廉易得,且避免了乙醇-水共沸物的产生,节省了分离的能耗,是典型的绿色化学工艺。围绕这一工艺的两步核心反应(羰基化和加氢)的研究现状进行了综述,着重介绍了催化剂开发、反应机理方面的进展。该工艺路线的研究和推广,对促进我国能源多元化、清洁化发展有重要的意义。 Ethanol, as an important clean energy, can be used for fuel alternative or additive, which has a huge market potential. Recently, a novel indirect synthesis route of ethanol from syngas via carbonylation of dimethyl ether followed by hydrogenation of methyl acetate has attracted much attention. The route possesses several advantages such as high selectivity, mild reaction conditions, cheap catalysts as well as no poisonous emission, which accord with the principles of green chemistry. In addition, the absence of ethanol-water binary azeotrope in products significantly reduces the cost of separation. This review focuses on recent advances in the two key step(carbonylation and hydrogenation), especially in development of catalyst and catalysis mechanism. The progress of this route will promote clean and diversified development of energy in China.
出处 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期240-247,共8页 CIESC Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21325626,91434127) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2014M560181,2015T80214)~~
关键词 乙醇 合成气 二甲醚 乙酸甲酯 催化剂 多相反应 ethanol syngas dimethyl ether methyl acetate catalyst multiphase reaction
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