
企业工会效用与员工满意度相关性分析 被引量:4

A Study on the Correlation between Union Utility and Employee Satisfaction
摘要 基于以随机抽样的形式对珠江啤酒、广汽本田股份两个公司179位工会员工进行的问卷调查,采用频数分析、交互分析、相关性分析和回归分析的方法,探讨工会在劳动保护、工资增长以及福利提升方面的效用和这三方面效用相对应满意度的影响程度,以及这三方面满意度对总体满意度的影响程度。调查发现,企业工会在劳动保护、工资增长、提升福利方面发挥的作用与相应的满意度有正相关关系,其中工会在劳动保护和福利提升方面发挥积极作用。此外,工会在提升福利水平方面发挥的作用比在增强劳动保护和促进工资增长方面的作用大。对工会效用进行实际性的研究以及通过员工满意度对工会进行正确的定位,将推进工会自身改革建设,这成为化解劳动关系矛盾的关键。 Based on the data in the form of random sampling of the questionnaire on 179 union workers come from the Guangzhou Zhujiang Beer Group Co., LTD and Guangzhou Honda Co., LTD, using frequency analysis, interaction analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis method to exploring the union utility in labor protection, wage growth and welfare improve and the influence of these three aspects with the corresponding satisfaction, as well as the influence of the threeaspects of satisfaction on overall satisfaction. Our study found that the union utility in labor protection, wage growth and welfare improve has positive correlation with the corresponding satisfaction, and the union plays a positive role in labor protection and welfare improve. In addition, the union' s role in promoting benefits is more obvious than in strengthening labor protection and promoting the wage growth. The practical study on the union utility and employee satisfaction could help to correct the position of the union, as well as to promote the reform and construction of the union itself, which is the key to solve the contradiction of labor relations.
出处 《中国人力资源开发》 北大核心 2016年第1期97-104,共8页 Human Resources Development of China
基金 2014年华南农业大学国家级大学生创新训练计划项目<股份制企业工会效用与员工满意度相关性问题研究>(201410564316) 国家自然科学基金<新生代员工的组织承诺 工会承诺和职业承诺关系及行为选择研究>(71472066) 广东省社科规划项目<后本田时代新生代民工抗争与广东劳资关系转型问题研究>(GD13CSH01) 教育部社科规划项目<新常态下劳资群体性事件的演进与政府治理研究>(15YJAZH096)等项目资助 系阶段性成果
关键词 工会效用 劳动保护 工资增长福利提升 员工满意度 Union Utility Labor Protection Pay Rise Benefits Improvement Employee Satisfaction
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