2Miller, J. P. (2001). The Holistic Curriculum. Revised and Expanded Edition, Toronto: OISE Press, p.3.
3Miller, R.(2000). Caring for New Life: Essays on Holistic Education, Brandon: Foundations for Educational Renewal, p.41.
4Witz, K. (2001). Spirituality and Curriculum .Curriculum Studies, 33,(3): p 379.
5Miller, J. P. (2001). The Holistic Curriculum . Revised and Expanded Edition, Toronto: OISE Press, pp.8-9.
6Miller, R. (Winter 2001 ). Make Connections to the World:Some Thoughts on Holistic Curriculum. Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice, 14, (4): p 32.
7Miller, R. (Winter 2001). Make Connections to the World:Some Thoughts on Holistic Curriculum. Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice, 14, (4): p 33.
8Miller, R. (Winter 2001). Make Connections to the World:Some Thoughts on Holistic Curriculum[J]. Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice, 14, (4): p 33.
9Selby, D.(Winter 2001). The Signature of the Whole: Radical Interconnectedness and its Implications for Global and Environmental Education. Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice, 14, (4): p 14.
10Miller, J. P. (2001), The Holistic Curriculum. Revised and Expanded Edition, Toronto: OISE Press, pp.4-5.