

Location Privacy-Preserving Method Based on Decision Tree
摘要 针对位置信息滥用导致用户隐私泄漏问题,设计了位置隐私保护模型,该模型满足查询匿名性、轨迹不可追踪性.在该模型下,提出了基于决策树的匿名方法,该方法通过决策树判定规则来实现位置匿名,解决了位置k-匿名、位置l-多样性问题.理论分析和实验验证表明该方法的安全性和有效性. Abuse of location lead to serious problem of user's location privacy leakage,a location privacy-preserving model is designed,which is satisfied with requirement of query anonymity and trajectory intractability. An anonymity method based on decision tree solved location anonymity problem in terms of location k-anonymity and location l-diversity. Theoretical analysis and experimental verification shows the safety and effectiveness of this method.
出处 《佳木斯大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2015年第6期888-891,共4页 Journal of Jiamusi University:Natural Science Edition
基金 黑龙江省自然科学基金(F2015022) 佳木斯大学重点项目(Lz2013-010)资助
关键词 隐私保护 基于位置的服务 位置k-匿名 决策树 Privacy-preserving Location-based services Location k-anonymity Decision tree
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