
地貌学的基本范式及其在教学科研中的作用 被引量:1

Paradigms in Geomorphology and Its Value in Education and Research
摘要 自吉尔伯特和戴维斯的时代开始,地貌学的研究即已遵从理论优先的观察背负模式。从以描述为主的侵蚀循环学说、强调定量分析的地表过程、水力几何学到目前系统地貌学的研究,此中充盈着大量的范式、原理和基本概念,它们是地貌学作为一门科学存在和发展的理论基础。在课堂教学与课程发展层面上,从地貌学史的角度注重对基本范式的归纳和讲授,是培养与激发学生学习兴趣和专业素养的主要途径。通过对经典文献的研读,学生可以从中直接学习到详尽地描述和思辨方法,同时还会意识到对地貌学思想的传承和理论的接受应该批判地进行。在学科建设和科学研究方面,基于范式研究是利用共同的学术语言融入国际地貌学界的前提,凝练学科整体关心的科学问题,开展有组织持续有效的基础理论研究,是复兴国内地貌学的最佳途径。 At least since the time of Gilbert and Davis, geomorphologists have pursued and employed theory-laden observational techniques. From the Davisian geographical cycle which is basically descriptive, the quantitative-dynamic approach to landform studies and hydraulic geometry, to the systematic geomorphology today, there are full of paradigms, principles and basic concepts. Full recognition and understanding of these paradigms are essential for developing a unified approach to the science of geomorphology. Summarizing paradigms from teaching geomorphological history in the curriculum is also important. It helps to maintain and stimulate student's interest in professional education. Reading original literatures could help students to learn more qualitative description and critical methodological detail. As a result, students would realize how to accept the ideas and theories of geomorphology critically. To the discipline development and scientific research in geomorphology, paradigm means a common scientific"language", by which introducing it into our domestic study is a prerequisite for access to the international geomorphological community. Summary of fundamental research questions and continuous study to those basic theoretical researches is the best way to make a renaissance of modern geomorphology in China.
出处 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期1591-1598,共8页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41071007) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划-重点支持项目(91125008)资助 国家重点基础研究发展计划资助(2011CB403301)
关键词 范式 地貌发生学 地貌描述学 过程地貌学 系统地貌学 paradigm Geomorphogeny Geomorphography process geomorphology systematic geomorphology
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