2013~2014年间进行了原生地九连山自然保护区石蒜及其引种3种不同人工林群落的比较。相对于原生群落,3个人工试验林分间(毛竹人工林、毛红椿人工林和南酸枣人工林)的植被简单,土壤条件差。引种3年后,引种石蒜可以适应上述不同人工林,各物候期起始时间提前,从萌动到全部落叶大约经历230 d。毛竹竹林林下栽培好于落叶的毛红椿、南酸枣人工林,但生殖生长均落后于原生地石蒜,且不同人工林间石蒜的生殖、营养生长性状差异不明显。表明人工林植被差异不是影响其驯化的主因,而是需要较适宜的林下环境。
In this paper, the comparison of between Lycoris radiata native community in Jiulianshan National Nature Reserve and the domesticated cultivations of three different plantation(Phyllostachys heterocycla plantations, Toona ciliate plantations and Choerospondias axillaris plantations) in 2013 ~ 2014. The results showed that, in contrast with L. radiata native community, the forest structures in three experimental forest communities are simple, and poor soil conditions. After introduction for three years, L. radiata was suited to different plantation habitats, but it is about 230 d from germination to all leaves littering, with phenological period all in advance. In domesticated group of Ph. heterocycla plantations, which is better than those of T. ciliata plantations and Ch. axillaris plantations, but their reproductive growth were lower than that of the original ones, all of the reproductive and vegetative growth difference are not obvious. These indicated that the difference of vegetation is not the main elements affecting on its domestication, while needs more suitable environment under forest.
South China Forestry Science
Lycoris radiata
original habitat
introduction and domestication
test plantations