以苹果感病品种‘红星'和抗病品种‘红玉'为材料,研究了苹果与斑点落叶病菌(Alternaria alternata apple pathotype)互作过程中超微结构,细胞Ca^(2+)分布,以及在钙信号转导途径中具有重要作用的钙依赖蛋白激酶基因(CDPK)的表达,探讨钙信号在苹果防御斑点落叶病菌侵染中的作用。结果表明,在未接种状态下,叶肉细胞结构完好,叶绿体呈卵圆形沿细胞边缘排列,Ca^(2+)主要分布在细胞间隙和液泡中,‘红玉'细胞间隙Ca^(2+)密度比‘红星'大。接种斑点落叶病菌8h,‘红星'叶肉细胞中的Ca^(2+)沉淀主要分布在胞质中,而液泡等细胞器中减少;‘红玉'的Ca^(2+)沉淀主要集中在胞质和筛管分子中,液泡和细胞间隙中减少,且趋向于在细胞壁外围和液泡膜上沉积。接种18 h,‘红星'叶肉细胞间隙Ca^(2+)沉淀密度增加,而‘红玉'中的Ca^(2+)沉淀主要集中在叶肉细胞的胞质和液泡,以及筛管分子中。接种24 h,‘红星'叶肉细胞结构已发生形变,质膜发生裂解,筛管壁木质化加厚,Ca^(2+)沉淀主要分布在液泡中;‘红玉'叶片细胞结构完好,Ca^(2+)沉淀主要分布在液泡和胞质中。接种36 h,‘红星'叶肉细胞受到菌丝入侵,结构和形态遭到破坏,在未受损叶肉细胞中Ca^(2+)沉淀主要集中在液泡中,在受损的细胞中Ca^(2+)沉淀无序地散布在受损细胞周围及细胞间隙;此时‘红玉'叶肉细胞中Ca^(2+)沉淀主要集中在胞质和液泡中,并且能够保持Ca^(2+)动态平衡。在接种后不同阶段,‘红星'和‘红玉'叶片中MdCPKs基因呈现不同的表达特点:大多MdCPKs在‘红玉'中的表达量在24 h达到最高值;‘红星'中在36 h达到表达峰值,且表达量也比‘红玉'中低得多。上述结果表明,钙信号响应斑点落叶病菌侵染,在抗病苹果品种‘红玉'中,Ca^(2+)内流是细胞质Ca^(2+)上升的主要来源;在感病品种‘红星'中,细胞器Ca^(2+)释放是细胞质Ca^(2+)的主要来源。‘红玉'苹果MdCPKs基因响应病菌侵染比‘红星'苹果早而且强烈。
To investigate the function of calcium signal of apple trees during defense process in response to Alternaria alternata apple pathotype(A.alternata AP),this study analyzed the leaf cell ultra-structure,distribution change of calcium and relative expression of MdCPKs during the plantpathogen interaction period.The susceptible and resistant cultivars to A.alternata AP,Red Delicious and Jonathan apple were used as materials.The variation of Ca^(2+) subcellular localization and relative expression of MdCPKs in leaves were detected by transmission electron microscope and qRT-PCR analysis when leaves were attacked by A.alternata AP.The results were as follows:The cell structure of Red Delicious and Jonathan remained intact and calcium antimonate deposits localized mainly in the vacuoles and intercellular spaces of the mesophyll cells under the resting conditions,while the density of calcium precipitation in intercellular spaces is higher in Jonathan than that in Red Delicious.Calcium gathered in the cytoplasms and remarkable reduced in the vacuoles in Red Delicious,while it not only gathered in the cytoplasms but also in the sieve tubes in Jonathan,declined in the vacuoles and intercellular spaces,and tended to locate in the outside of the cell wall and vacuole membrane when leaves were inoculated with A.alternata AP at 8 hpi(hours post inoculation).Calcium in the leaf cells of Red Delicious tended to move from the cells to the intercellular spaces at 18 hpi,while a large number of calcium localized in the cytoplasms,vacuoles and sieve tubes in Jonathan at this time.When inoculated A.alternata AP at 24 hpi,the cell structure of Red Delicious had been distorted,plasmalemma were broken and sieve tube wall was lignified,and calcium mainly localized in the cytoplasms,while the cell structure of Jonathan still kept integrity and calcium localized in the vacuoles and cytoplasms.Some cells in Red Delicious were invaded by hyphae at 36 hpi.Calcium deposits mainly localized in the vacuoles in the undamaged cells,and distributed in intercellular spaces disorderly around the damaged cells,however,the calcium level kept dynamic homeostasis in the leaf cells of Jonathan at this time.The relative expression of MdCPKs in Red Delicious and Jonathan showed different characters during the different stages of A.alternata AP infection.Most MdCPKs reached to the highest expression level at 24 hpi in Jonathan while that delayed at 36 hpi in Red Delicious,and the relative expression of MdCPKs in Jonathan were higher than in Red Delicious.The results indicated that calcium signal involved in the response of apple to A.alternata AP infection.The increasing of cytoplasm calcium in Jonathan and in Red Delicious mainly resulted from the inflow of extracellular spaces and the release of organelle respectively when they attacked by A.alternata AP.Moreover,MdCPKs in Jonathan responded to the infection earlier and more intensely than they did in Red Delicious.
Acta Horticulturae Sinica
Alternaria alternata apple pathotype
localization of calcium
Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase(CDPK)