The conditional clauses of "to", "ba", "tara", "nara" are diversified in their pragmatic usages. "to" clauses are used to indicate the cause and effect relation between two objective parts except the objective narrative individuals concerned, aiming to emphasize the regularity and inevitability of the contexts involved. "ba" clauses convey the subjects' consideration that the anticipating results can be a- chieved on the premise that the former requirements must be met, highlighting necessity, stability, cause and effect relation. "tara" clauses can imply the cause and effect relation of the objective hypothesis of that narration, which can be used in a sentence that a particular action should be achieved first, emphasizing the individuality, occasionlity and reality of the context. "nara" clauses refer to the assumed cause and effect relation of the cognitive subjects, emphasizing the context is assumed and subjective.
Journal of Henan Polytechnic University:Social Sciences