
中东欧16国科技和创新能力比较及对华科技合作情况分析 被引量:3

Comparative Analyses of Central and East European Countries' Strength and Cooperation with China in Science and Technology
摘要 在中国-中东欧国家合作框架下,鉴于中东欧16国科技和创新能力差异较大,且对华合作情况多有不同,中国和中东欧国家的科技合作仍将以双边合作为主。为更好地辨别和把握中东欧各国科技和创新能力的差异以及各自特点,以便根据外交大局和科技合作情况相应推进与中东欧国家的双边科技合作,本文研究了中东欧各国的研发支出、研发强度、科研人员相对数量、创新绩效和创新指标,在此基础上进一步将中东欧国家进行比较和分类,此外还分析了各国对华科技合作情况,并提出相应的合作建议。 Under the framework of China and Central and East European Countries (CEEC) lie big differences of CEEC respectively in terms of science and technology (S&T) and cooperation with China, so the mainstream will be bilateral cooperation between China and each of CEEC. This article, for a clear vision of the differences and respective characteristics of each of CEEC, and also for a feasible push for the S&T cooperation between China and each of them, extends the comparative analyses on the basis of some key indexes, including gross expenditure on R&D, R&D intensity, researchers per million population, innovation performance and innovation index. Respective cooperation case of each of CEEC with China in S&T and according proposals are also put forward.
作者 罗青
机构地区 中国科学技术部
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2015年第12期47-51,共5页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
关键词 中东欧 科技创新 指标比较 国际科技合作 Central and East European Countries science and technology innovation index comparison international cooperation in science and technology
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