
英国太平洋防务政策调整困境析论(1945-1949) 被引量:1

An Analysis of the Britain's Dilemma in the Adjustment of Pacific Defence Policy(1945-1949)
摘要 二战结束之后,鉴于在英联邦内承担繁重的防务压力,艾德礼政府通过"战略责任区"理念重构太平洋地区防务。在这一进程中,艾德礼政府的总体诉求是以维系英联邦内部团结为前提,获取澳新对马来亚以及中东地区的防务承诺,借以巩固英国对亚太地区事务的话语权与影响力。在艾德礼政府的积极运作下,英澳新最终达成《澳新马防卫计划》。该计划从表面上看是英国与自治领之间传统防务的延续,但磋商过程中英国却逐步让渡出对太平洋地区事务的话语权。从某种程度上讲,这一局势是英联邦内部战略利益的结构性错位和"战略责任区"理念内在困境所决定的,同时也促成了此后英国在太平洋防务事务中被边缘化不可逆转的趋势。 After the WWII, the Attlee government reconstructed Pacific defense through "Zones of Strategic Responsi- bility" concept in view of the heavy defense pressure within the Commonwealth, the overall targets of Atdee government were to maintain internal unity of the Commonwealth, to get Australia and New Zealand make a commitment to the Middle East and Malaya defense, so as to wield the British influence in Asia-Pacific affairs. With the active efforts in 1946-1949, the Attlee government signed ANZAM Agreement with Australia and New Zealand, the Agreement is an extension of the tra- ditional defense between Britain and the Dominions ostensibly , however, the Britain transferred the initiative of Pacific de- fence Affairs to Australia and New Zeland gradually. This article explored the negotiation process of ANZAM Agreement, in- sisted that the structural dislocation inside the Commonwealth strategic interests and the inherent dilemma of "Zones of Stra- tegic Responsibility" concept were two main factors in Britain's defence policy adjustment, in addition, that resulted in an irreversible marginalized trend to the Britain in the Pacific defense matters subsequently.
作者 靳小勇
出处 《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI 2015年第4期95-102,共8页 Southeast Asian Affairs
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究2007年度一般项目"英国与亚洲冷战格局的形成"(07JA70016)
关键词 英国外交 太平洋防务 战略责任区 澳新马防卫计划 British diplomacy, Pacific defence, Zones of Strategic Responsibility, the ANZAM Agreement
  • 相关文献


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  • 2Ward Stuart, Australia and the British Embrace: The Demise of the Imperial Ideal, Melbourne University Publishing, 2002.
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  • 7Post War Defence Committee: Meetings 2nd (1946) , 18 February 1946, CAB 134/656.
  • 8The Overall Strategic Plan, DO (47) 44, May 1947, also see in COS (47), 102 (0).
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