
端到端语音加密通信技术 被引量:6

Techniques of the End-to-End Speech Encryption Communication
摘要 移动通信安全形势越发严峻,目前还没有找到完全无漏洞的安全通信系统解决方案。对端到端的加密通信进行了研究,对端到端的语音加密通信过程进行了详细分析。探讨了实现该类通信过程要解决的关键性技术难题。综合国内外现有的研究成果,比较分析了适合于端到端加密通信的语音加密算法。对于加密之后的语音信号和解密恢复的语音信号如何评价,给出了参数指标和评价标准。端到端的解决方案可以避免常见的窃听和信息窃取,有着比较广阔的发展前景。 The security situation of mobile communication becomes even more grim,and the complete bugfree secure communications system solutions has not been found at present. The end-to-end encryption communications was studied and the process of speech encryption was analyzed in detail. We discussed the way to solve the key technical problems of the communication process. Combining with the existing domestic and international research results,the suitable speech encryption algorithm for end-to-end encryption communication was compared and analyzed. The parameters of indicators and evaluation criteria were given to evaluate the encrypted speech signal and decrypt speech signal. End-to-end communication can avoid the common eavesdropping and theft and has a relatively broad prospects for development.
机构地区 装备学院
出处 《四川兵工学报》 CAS 2015年第12期103-108,共6页 Journal of Sichuan Ordnance
关键词 端到端 语音加密 通信安全 end-to-end speech encryption communication security
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