
驾驶经验与危险类型对驾驶员危险知觉的影响 被引量:6

Effects of Driving Experience and Hazard Type on Hazard Perception
摘要 目的探索驾驶经验与危险类型对驾驶员危险知觉的影响。方法采用2驾驶经验×2危险类型的混合实验设计,使用Tobbi眼动仪呈现12段动态交通视频对33名驾驶员进行测试。结果对缓慢出现的危险,有经验驾驶员的反应时间比新手驾驶员快,他们对危险兴趣区的首次注视时间比新手快,注视次数比新手多,总注视时间也比新手长。对突然出现的危险,两组驾驶员反应时间和各眼动数据差异不显著。结论驾驶中缓慢出现的危险会诱发有经验驾驶员的情境意识,他们的视觉注意模式相对更"好"。 Objective We conducted a 2 × 2 mixed experiment to explore the effect of driving experience and hazard type on hazard perception. Methods 12 traffic video shooting from the drivers'view were shown by Tobbi eye tracker. 33 drivers were asked to press the mouse quickly when they detected a latent hazard, and their reaction time and eye movement indicators would be recorded automatically. Results Experienced drivers were faster to react to the less hazardous than novice drivers. The differences of first fixation duration, fixation count and total fixation duration on gradual hazard were found. Few differences were found on abrupt hazard. Conclusion Drivers situation awareness will work better in experienced drivers when they faced with gradual hazards, which made their visual attention pattern safer than novice drivers:
出处 《人类工效学》 2015年第6期7-10,共4页 Chinese Journal of Ergonomics
基金 辽宁省社会科学基金资助(L14BSZ050)
关键词 危险知觉 驾驶经验 危险类型 动态交通视频 视觉注意 交通安全 交通心理 驾驶行为 hazard perception driving experience hazard type dynamic traffic video visual attention traffic safety traffre psychology driving behavior
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