
双创导向人才培养的医药院校基础化学实验教学改革 被引量:4

Reform and Practice of Experimental Teaching of Basic Chemistry Oriented to the Cultivation of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Ability
摘要 以创新和创业型人才培养为导向,创新实验教学理念,融合无机化学、有机化学、分析化学和物理化学等四大化学的实验教学,发展实验手段现代化、教学方法多样化、实验内容综合化的医学和药学的基础化学实验教学新体系。十余年的运行实践表明,特色鲜明的基础化学实验教学新体系已经成功地培养了医学和药学的创新和创业型人才。 Under being oriented to the cultivation of students with innovation and entrepreneurial ability, the school renews the teaching philosophy, and the fusion of traditional experimental teaching of Inorganic Chemistry,Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry has been developed a new teaching system with modem contents and diverse teaching methods. After several years running, the new distinct experiment teaching system has been proved to be contributed to the cultivation of medical and pharmacy student with innovation and entrepreneurial ability.
出处 《药学教育》 2015年第6期58-61,共4页 Pharmaceutical Education
基金 2015年北京市教委专项经费:本科生培养-教学改革立项与研究 编号3500-11530902 2015年北京市教委专项经费:本科生培养-人才培养模式创新试验项目 编号3500-11530701
关键词 基础化学 实验教学 创新和创业型人才培养 Basic chemistry Experimental teaching the cultivation of students with innovation and entre-preneuria! ability
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