A modeling and numerical method for the dynamics of a planar motion rigid- body with contact,impact and Coulomb's dry friction is presented based on the theory of contact mechanics and the arithmetic of linear complementarity problem( LCP). The friction law adopts Coulomb's dry friction model. The local deformations in contact bodies are taken into account although bodies are assumed to be rigid. The normal contact forces are expressed as nonlinear functions of penetration depth and its speed. The dynamical equatuons of the rigid- body are obtained by using Newton- Euler nethod. The complementarity conditions and formulations about the friction law are given in order to compute the non- smooth dynamical equatiions. Based on the event- driven scheme,the problems of detecting stick- slip state transitions and solving the static frictional forces are formulated and solved as a linear complementarity problem. Finally,the numerical example of a planar- motion rigid- body is given to analyze its dynamical behaviour affected by impact and dry friction as well as shown that the proposed method is effective.
Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering