
不同补风形式对某火车站中庭火灾安全的影响 被引量:5

Study on influence of different makeup air types to atrium fire safety in a railway station
摘要 通过数值模拟计算,对某火车站中庭火灾补风采用下送风和侧送风时的排烟效果进行了分析研究。研究结果表明,相同火源热释放速率的情况下,无论采用何种补风形式,均有"补风量越大,模拟区域能见度越高、平均温度越低"的规律。当补风量较小时,侧送风条件下模拟区域内的平均温度低于下送风条件下模拟区域内的平均温度;而补风量越大,侧送风和下送风条件下的平均温度趋于一致。另外,侧送风条件下的能见度高于下送风条件下的能见度。对于所选用的火车站模型,最佳补风量应为排烟量的90%。在进行建筑工程设计时,应合理采用火灾性能化设计确定合理的补风方式以及补风量。 The smoke exhaust effect brought by different types of makeup air,including downside air supply and lateral air supply,in the atrium of a railway station was studied by numerical simulation. The results showed that under the same heat release rate of fire source,no matter which type of makeup air was adopted,the law of " the larger the volume of make- up air is,the higher the visibility in the simulation region,and the lower the average temperature" was all presented. The average temperature in the simulation region under lateral air supply condition was lower than that of downside air supply condition when the volume of make- up air was small. When the volume of make- up air was larger,the average temperature under two air supply conditions tended to be uniform. Meanwhile,the visibility under lateral air supply condition was higher than that of downside air supply condition. For the selected model of railway station,the optimum volume of make- up air was 90 percent of smoke exhaust volume.When conducting architectural engineering design,the fire performance- based design should be adopted reasonably to determine the reasonable type and volume of makeup air.
出处 《中国安全生产科学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期52-58,共7页 Journal of Safety Science and Technology
关键词 安全 数值模拟 火灾 中庭 补风 safety numerical simulation fire atrium make-up air
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