
农民工子女学龄儿童与城市儿童体质健康的比较研究——以南京市为例 被引量:4

Comparative Study on the Physical Health of School Children between Migrant Workers' and Local Citizens' in Nanjing
摘要 目的:了解南京市农民子女学龄儿童与南京城市学龄儿童体质健康状况。方法:随机选取南京5所小学学生共1535人作为本研究研究对象(其中男生860名,女生675名;南京城市儿童965名,农民工子女570名,年龄为9-13岁)。结果:南京城市儿童男女身高分别比农民工子女儿童高身高3cm和2.8cm,体重高2.8kg和1.6kg,差异具有统计学意义;在身体素质指标方面,农民工子女学龄儿童在柔韧素质、速度素质、下肢爆发力及身体协调性方面总体好于南京市学龄儿童;在超重肥胖率、近视率指标方面,农民工子女学龄儿童显著低于南京市学龄儿童,但农民工子女学龄儿童男生的超重肥胖率同样处于较高的水平;在生活习惯方面,农民工子女学龄儿童每天的身体活动时间显著多于南京城市学龄儿童,但卫生习惯、就医习惯、饮食习惯及食物摄取等与城市儿童相比相对较差。结论:身高体重方面,南京城市学龄儿童仍然高于农民工子女学龄儿童,但身体素质方面农民工子女学龄儿童总体好于城市学龄儿童;城市儿童肥胖率和近视率高于农民工之女学龄儿童,但是农民工子女学龄儿童男生的超重肥胖率同样处于较高的水平;在生活习惯方面,农民工子女学龄儿童每天的身体活动时间显著多于南京城市学龄儿童,但日常生活习惯、饮食习惯及食物摄取等与城市儿童相比相对较差。 Purpose: to investigate the physical health of school children between migrant workers' and local citizens' in Nanjing. Method:The researcher randomly se- lected 1535 pupils in five elementary schools as the ob- jects of the study, consisting of 860 boys and 675 girls from age 9 to 13. Among these children,there are 965 Ur- ban school children and 570 school children of migrant workers'. Result:Migrant workers' school children were in- ferior to their city counterparts as to their heights and weights. And the differences were statistically significant Concerning to physical quality index, peasant workers' school children were generally better than Urban children in flexibility, speed, explosive force of the lower limbs and compatibility. The obesity index and myopia index were lower in the migrant workers' school children group than in the urban children group, while within the migrant workers' school children group, the obesity index was com- paratively higher for boys than for girls. Concerning to liv- ing habits, the migrant workers' school children had more time for exercises, however hygiene habits, medical treat- ment, eating habits and food intake were worse than their urban counterparts. Conclusions: The urban children in Nanjing were higher and heavier than the migrant workers' school children in Nanjing, while the physical quality of the migrant workers' school children was generally better than that of their urban counterparts. The obesity index and myopia index were higher in urban children group,while the obesity index was comparatively higher for mi- grant workers' school boys. As for living habits, the mi- grant workers' school children had more time for daily ex- ercises, but their hygiene habits, medical treatment, eating habits and food intake were worse than their urban coun- terparts.
作者 陶行 尹小俭
出处 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2015年第6期44-50,共7页 Joournal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education:Natural Science
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划2010年教育部重点课题(编号:DLA100339)
关键词 农民工子女 城市儿童 体质 生活习惯 migrant workers' school children urban chil-dren physical health life style
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