目的掌握郑州铁路口岸蚊类种群结构、密度、季节消长等情况,为防治工作提供依据。方法 2014年5月-10月,采用二氧化碳诱捕法、集卵器法进行成蚊与蚊幼虫监测。结果共捕获成蚊145只,隶属2属3种,淡色库蚊为优势蚊种,占总数的97.9%。5-7月份成蚊密度处于高峰期,5月份最高。蚊幼虫平均容器指数为32.46%,5-10月份均处于高水平,以9月份最高。结论近年来非洲、东南亚等地均有蚊媒传染病疫情报道,应根据蚊虫的季节消长,做好口岸蚊类的监测和防治工作。
Objective This paper tries to grasp the species composition,density and seasonal fluctuation of mosquito at Zhengzhou- railway Port,and to provide evidence for prevention. Methods CO_2 Trapping method and mosquito egg collector is used in mosquito and mosquito larvae monitoring during May to October in 2014.Results A total of 145 mosquitoes are collected and classified as 3genus 2 species. Culex pipiens pallens,which accounts to 97. 9%,is the dominant species. The density of mosquito maintains a high level from May to October and peaks in May. The average index of mosquito lavar is 32. 46%,maintains a high level from May to October and peaks in September. Conclusion Sporadic mosquito- borne infectious diseases are reported at Africa,Southeast Asia in recent years. effective measures should be carried out to monitor and control.
Port Health Control
Port mosquito monitoring