
Application of Back Analysis on Laterally Loaded Single Pile

Application of Back Analysis on Laterally Loaded Single Pile
摘要 In views of the limitations of the existing methods for calculating the pile foundation capacity, a back analysis approach of the m-value is introduced. In order to consider the sensitivity of pile behavior to the m-value,the relationships between the applied horizontal loads at pile head and the corresponding m-value along with the pile stiffness changes are studied. Based on statistics data from the extensive in-situ tests, the back analysis results suggest an exponential expression for the m-value in various soil conditions and horizontal displacements at pile head. This method is capable of providing an accurate m-value in calculating the pile responses under lateral loads. In views of the limitations of the existing methods for calculating the pile foundation capacity, a back analysis approach of the m-value is introduced. In order to consider the sensitivity of pile behavior to the m-value,the relationships between the applied horizontal loads at pile head and the corresponding m-value along with the pile stiffness changes are studied. Based on statistics data from the extensive in-situ tests, the back analysis results suggest an exponential expression for the m-value in various soil conditions and horizontal displacements at pile head. This method is capable of providing an accurate m-value in calculating the pile responses under lateral loads.
出处 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2015年第6期696-702,共7页 上海交通大学学报(英文版)
关键词 laterally loaded piles M-METHOD back analysis horizontal displacement laterally loaded piles m-method back analysis horizontal displacement
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