Freud's theory of narcissism has generally experienced three development stages: the early stage of development from "narcissism to libido",for narcissism is a necessary transition period between auto-eroticism and objectification; the middle stage of "amoeba-warehouse"release model,i. e. the secondary process of the primitive narcissism leaving the ego for the external objects and returning to the ego; and the late stage of narcissism theory in the perspective of structuralism,that is,narcissism serves as the structural axis of the instinct dialectic transformation. Generally trapped in the classical libido theory model,Freud's theory of narcissism mainly highlights its sexual significance while making a limited study of the mental structure of non- sexual narcissism. However,in Freud's later delicate and complicated analysis of the dialectical transformation structure of instinct could be distinctly discerned the ideological bud of structuralism,thus having initiated the change of psychoanalysis from its classical stage to its modern one.
Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)