目的了解连云港市生产和使用硅产品企业矽尘危害现状,分析不同岗位工人健康损害情况,探讨硅产品生产和使用企业矽肺病防治对策和建议。方法采用现场询问,调查员填写问卷的方法对连云港市生产和使用硅产品的6家企业的基本情况进行调查;收集1 005名矽尘作业工人的职业健康检查资料;收集矽尘危害企业和矽尘作业工人基本情况资料;对矽尘作业岗位粉尘浓度和游离二氧化硅含量进行测定。结果建材行业矽尘作业工人胸片异常率(87.6%)高于电子行业(3.6%);矽尘作业岗位总尘合格率为3.8%,呼吸性粉尘合格率为7.8%;职业健康检查胸片异常率为45.5%,肺功能异常率为32.3%,疑似尘肺病检出率为0.7%;矽尘作业场所中粉尘浓度较高的岗位有球磨、破碎、振动筛、称量、粉料包装、分拣、成品混合、拣砂、喷砂、装料、倒角等岗位,时间加权平均浓度(CTWA)超标倍数>4.5的岗位工人胸片异常率明显高于CTWA超标倍数≤4.5组;疑似尘肺病患者所在岗位粉尘浓度及岗位CTWA高于其他接尘人员所在岗位。结论应重点加强硅产品生产企业矽尘危害防治工作,加强对重点岗位的粉尘治理和职业健康监护工作。
Objective To understand the silica dust hazardous situation in the companies which produce or use silicon products in Lianyungang City,analyze the health damage in different working posts in order to explore prevention countermeasures and suggestions of silicosis for using or producing silicon enterprises.Methods In six companies which produce and use silicon products in Lianyungang City,data on occupational health examination of 1005 workers exposed to silica dust,basic data of silica dust hazard in the companies and silica dust workers were collected ’;and collected the.Dust concentration and free silica content of occupational silica dust exposure in the companies were determined.Results The chest radiograph abnormality rate of the workers exposed to silica dust in building materials industry(87.6%)was higher than that in electronics industry(3.6%);The total qualified rate of silica dust concentration in the working posts was 3.8%;the qualified rate of respiratory dust concentration was 7.8%;the sternum abnormal rate in occupational health examination was 45.5%,the lung function abnormal rate was 32.3%,suspected pneumoconiosis detection rate was 0.7%.The working posts where there was higher concentration of silica dust were as follows:ball milling,crushing,vibrating screen,weighing,powder packaging,sorting,product mixing,picking sand,sand blasting,loading and chamfering,etc.Workers’ chest radiograph abnormal rate in the posts which CTWA excess ratio〉4.5 was significantly higher than that where the CTWA excess ratio was less than or equal to 4.5;the dust concentration and job CTWA concentration in the posts where there were suspected pneumoconiosis patients were higher than other dust exposure posts.Conclusions We should pay more attention to strengthening the silica dust hazard prevention and control works in silicon products manufacturers.For Harmful posts,dust control and occupational health surveillance should be strengthened.
Industrial Health and Occupational Diseases
Silica dust work
Occupational disease
Occupational health