目的调查沧州地区高中学生结核菌感染的现状,分析影响结核菌素皮试结果的多方面因素,进行肺结核患病筛查并针对调查结果提出合理化建议,采取防控措施,降低肺结核感染率。方法确定受试人群,为我沧州地区部分县市(包括海兴县、盐山县、河间市、沧县及沧州市区某中学)高中在校生共8560例,年龄15~19周岁。采用武汉生物公司出品的结核菌素试剂,剂型为1ml,50IU。于受试者前臂掌侧远端1/3中央皮内注射结核菌素5IU,进行PPD皮试检查,72 h观察结果,取反应硬结横径与竖径的平均值记录。结果PPD中度以上阳性者为(877)例,其中,强阳性为439例,确诊肺结核患者51例,中强阳性率为(10.24%),患病率(0.60%)。男性高于女性。各年级组比较阳性率及患病率均有明显差异,具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论高中生PPD反应中强阳性者为结核病的高发人群,应作为结核病预防性治疗对象。
Objective To investigate the status quo of TB infection in high school students in Cangzhou and the various factors affecting the tuberculin skin test results in order to make reasonable suggestions for the survey results and take prevention and control measures to reduce the prevalence of tuberculosis. Methods The study subjects were 8560 high school students in some counties of Cangzhou,including Haixing County,Yanshan County,Hejian County,Cangxian and Cangzhou city,aging from 15 to 19 years old. Tuberculin reagent formulations produced by Wuhan biotechnology company( 1 ml,50 IU) were given to the subjects through 1 /3 central intradermal distal volar forearm( 5IU),and then they were given PPD skin test. The average value of reaction induration diameter and vertical diameter were recorded 72 hours later. Results There were 877 positive cases of moderate PPD,including 439 strong positive cases. 51 cases of tuberculosis were confirmed. The moderate-strong positive rate was 10. 24%,and the prevalence was 0. 60%. The male patients were more than female ones. The positive rate and prevalence were significantly different among different grades( P〈0. 05). Conclusion The high school students with strongly positive PPD reaction are the high-risk group of TB,which should be given preventive therapy.
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine