
由《宋拓赵侍郎不流本游相〈兰亭〉》想到的 被引量:1

Zhao Buliu's Song Dynasty Rubbing of Preface to Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion from You Xiang Collection
摘要 近年来随着学术交流的不断深入,美国芝加哥菲尔德自然历史博物馆(Field Museum of Natural History)收藏的中国碑帖拓本日益为人们所关注,《宋拓赵侍郎不流本游相〈兰亭〉》就是其中之一。该本为游相《兰亭》"己之二"(第五十二种),翻刻于一"九字已损"、"五字未损"的定武古本。由于卷改册装,其上"赵氏孟林"骑缝印被一分为二,十分罕见。在目前关于"赵氏孟林"的文献记载尚不充分、明确的情况下,可以从已知的游相《兰亭》拓本装潢钤印定式本身入手,对其进行分析。检览统计若干游相《兰亭》相关信息,笔者认为,赵孟林是明初晋藩朱棡装潢人的可能性较大。作为游相《兰亭》标志要素之一的蓝纸隔水,则是经朱氏收藏后重新进行装裱的一个显著特征。而同一取材、或有或无的蓝纸小签上所标注的"天干编次帖本名称",亦是游相《兰亭》标志要素之一,或许正是出自赵孟林之手,当然也不排除朱棡亲笔的可能。 Thanks to the ongoing international academic exchanges in recently years, rubbings of Chinese tablets in the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago have aroused the interest of many Chinese scholars. The current author focuses on Zhao Buliu's Song dynasty rubbing of Preface to Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion(referred to as the Preface) from the private collection of You Xiang. This rubbing, the 52 nd copy in You Xiang's collection of the Preface, is the reprint of an antique Dingwu version that has "nine characters lost" and "five characters intact". Due to the transformation from a scroll to an album, the seal carrying the inscription "赵氏孟林" has been cut in half, which seems very unusual. As no clear evidence has been found about Zhao Menglin, after an analysis of the mounting and seal format of the rubbing under discussion and a review of other versions of the Preface from the You Xiang collection, the current author believes that probably Zhao Menglin was a mounter under Zhu Gang, a collector active in the early Ming dynasty. The blue separating paper, a key feature in You Xiang's collection of the Preface, was the result of Zhu's remounting. Moreover, the inscription "天干编次帖本名称" on labels made of the same blue paper – another key feature of You Xiang's collection- was possibly written either by Zhao or Zhu.
作者 秦明
机构地区 故宫博物院
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期97-106,共10页 Journal of National Museum of China
关键词 游相 兰亭 赵侍郎不流本 朱棡 赵孟林 You Xiang Preface to Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion Zhao Buliu collection Zhu Gang Zhao Menglin
  • 相关文献


  • 1王连起:《关于<兰亭)的若干问题》,《故宫学术讲谈录》第一辑,紫禁城出版社,2010年,第14—16页.
  • 2杨坤.美国芝加哥菲尔德博物馆藏宋拓兰亭序“许巽行印”、“子顺”二印补证[J].文物,2014(12):90-91. 被引量:2
  • 3何碧琪:《甲之五御府本》藏品说明,何碧琪主编《北山汲古:碑帖铭刻拓本》,香港中文大学文物馆,2015年,第200—205页.
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  • 5何碧琪:《南宋游似及其用印初探——从香港中文大学文物馆藏“游相<兰亭>”谈起》,《第四届孤山证印西泠印社国际印学峰会论文集》,西泠印社出版社,2014年,第565—580页.
  • 6陈松长.美国芝加哥菲尔德博物馆藏宋拓兰亭序跋[J].文物,2010(2):87-95. 被引量:3
  • 7清·翁方纲:《李载园(载书图>二首》,《复初斋集外诗》卷二十四,文物出版社,1982年.
  • 8清·金农:《论画杂诗二十四首》,《冬心先生续集》卷下,清平江贝氏千墨庵钞本,第10a页.
  • 9清·金农:《冬心先生随笔》,见黄宝虹、邓实编《美术丛书》三集第一辑,神州国光社,1936年,第225页.


  • 1容庚.《兰亭集刻序》,载《颂斋述林》,香港翰墨轩出版有限公司,1994年.










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