

Morphology of Leaf Abaxial Epidermis of Some Festuca Species in China
摘要 通过光学显微镜及电子显微镜对国产羊茅属21个种叶下表皮微形态进行观察。结果显示:(1)羊茅属叶下表皮属于典型的狐茅型。长细胞长筒状或短筒状,细胞壁波状弯曲,少数细胞壁平直;短细胞单生或对生,方形、椭圆形或新月形;气孔器少见或1列至多列,副卫细胞平行形到圆屋顶形;刺细胞常见或少见;脉上硅细胞方形、椭圆形、新月形或长方形边缘波状弯曲。许多结构细胞在羊茅属内存在较丰富的变异。(2)对羊茅属的叶表皮微形态特征进行UPGMA的聚类分析,结果分成了2个分支,其中分支Ⅰ的植物叶下表皮几乎无气孔,刺细胞常见,且分支Ⅰ由羊茅亚属植物组成;分支Ⅱ的植物叶下表皮气孔常见,气孔器1至多列,刺细胞少见,且分支Ⅱ由长花序亚属、宽叶亚属、贫芒亚属植物组成。 The morphology of leaf abaxial epidermis of 21 species of Festuca was examined under light microscope and electron microscope.The results showed that:(1)the species of Festuca had Festucoid type epidermis.The leaf abaxial epidermis of Festuca were characterized by long-tubular or short-tubular longcells with markedly sinuous walls or few straight walls,elliptic or crescentic or subsquare short-cells distributed solitary or in pairs,rare or one or more rows stomata,parallel-sided or dome-shaped subsidiary cells,frequent or infrequent prickle-cells,subsquare or elliptic or crescentic or horizontally-elongated sinuous costal silica-cells.There were abundant variations of epidermal features within the genus Festuca.(2)The morphology of leaf abaxial epidermis was conducted by UPGMA analysis.Two major branches formed in the UPGMA tree.The cladeⅠincluded the species with rare stomata and frequent prickle-cells,species of subgen.Festucaconstituted the cladeⅠ.The cladeⅡincluded the species with one or more rows stomata and infrequent prickle-cells.The second clade was comprised of Subgen.Schedonorus,Subgen.Subulatae,Subgen.Drymathele.
出处 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期2439-2447,共9页 Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(81274049) 山东省自然科学基金(2012CQ039)
关键词 羊茅属 叶下表皮 微形态 Festuca L. leaf abaxial epidermis micro-morphology
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