

Hot Structure Coupling Anlysis of Spindle in High-speed Roll Grinder
摘要 鉴于润滑油对机床主轴系统温升影响较大,现分别采用2种不同润滑油给轴承润滑,分析主轴在不同转速下温度和热应变变化情况,利用Workbench有限元分析软件对高速轧辊磨床主轴进行热-结构耦合分析,得出主轴在不同转速下的温度场分布云图和热应变云图,为进一步研究机床的热误差提供了理论依据。 In view of lubricating oil has great influence on the temperature rise of the machine tool spindle system. Separately using two different lube oil lubricates bearing. The spindle is analysed by the change of the temperature and thermal strain which it is under different rotational speed. The Workbench finite element analysis software is used to analyse the heat-structure coupling from the high speed roll grinder spindle. It is concluded that the spindle under different rotational speed of map of tire temperature field and thermal strain contours, and it also provides an important theoretical support for the thermal error of machine tool.
出处 《煤矿机械》 2016年第1期112-114,共3页 Coal Mine Machinery
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51465008 51165002) 贵州省优秀青年科技人才培养对象专项资金项目(黔科合人字(2013)17号)
关键词 轧辊磨床 主轴系统 温度场 有限元分析 roll grinder spindle system temperature field finite element analysis
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