利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、SST资料以及云南124个站逐月降水资料,对云南秋季降水的变化特征及其成因进行了分析.结果表明:云南秋季降水地区分布差异明显,哀牢山以西以南地区秋季降雨量较多,以东以北地区降雨量少,雨量最少的区域在高寒山区以及干热河谷地区.趋势分析表明云南中部及以东地区和西南部秋季降雨量有减少的趋势,西北部和西部地区秋季降雨量有增多的趋势.主分量分析表明云南秋季降雨量第1主分量存在着一致偏多(或偏少)的特征;云南秋季降雨量第2主分量表现为西北东南向的反向振荡分布.相关分析表明近地面冷高压的活动、500 h Pa高度场上极涡和乌山阻高以及南支槽的强弱、700 h Pa经向风的异常以及850 h Pa云南气温的高低对云南秋季旱涝的变化影响较大.合成分析表明,云南秋季降水旱涝年水汽来源和含水量不同,降水偏多年份的水汽主要来源于印度洋至孟加拉湾和西太平洋至南海的水汽输送,大气含水量高,水汽饱和程度高;而偏少年份水汽主要来自中纬度西风的输送,大气含水量低,水汽饱和程度低.低层辐合、高层辐散的散度场配置和明显的上升运动是云南秋季降水偏多的原因之一.低纬高原秋季降水与海温异常存在密切关系.当夏威夷群岛以东附近海温偏高,马来西亚以东至关岛附近海温偏低时,云南秋季降水偏多.
Applying the data of the monthly precipitation in Yunnan 124 stations from 1961 to 2012 and the monthly reanalysis data provided by the NCEP / NCAR,the variation of the precipitation in autumn over Yunnan and its physical causes have been studied.The results show as following: There are obvious differences in the distribution of precipitation over Yunnan.The precipitation in the west and south of the Ailao Mountain are more than that in the east and north.The trend of precipitation in the autumn tends to increase in the western and northwest of Yunnan,but decrease in the eastern and southwest region. The spatial variation of the autumn precipitation shows the consistency phase varies.The second main mode of the precipitation in autumn over Yunnan presents an out-of-phase oscillation between the area in northwest and the area in southeast of Yunnan. The precipitation in autumn over Yunnan presents intimate correlation with atmospheric circulation. The strength of the surface cold high,the strength of the polar vortex,the Ural block high and the westerly trough in BOB in the 500 h Pa height field,the abnormity of southerly in the 700 h Pa and the temperature in 850 h Pa temperature field over Yunnan have obvious effects on the autumn precipitation in Yunnan.The composition analysis results show that the source of vapor transportation and the water content vary in rainy and drought years.In the rainy years,the sources of the vapor transportation are from the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal and from the Western Pacific and the South China Sea; both the water- vapor content and the water vapor saturation are higher. In the drought years,the source of the vapor transportation is from the westerly transport in the middle latitude; both the water-vapor content and the water vapor saturation are lower.The configuration of divergence field at lower level and higher level and the vertical movement over Yunnan play an activive role in precipitation.The convergence at lower level companied with divergence at higher level and significant vertical upward movement result in the rainy years. It has been found that the precipitation in autumn over Yunnan has also intimate correlation with SST anomalies. When the SST in the east of the Hawaiian Islands is higher,the SST from the East of Malaysia to the Guam Island will be lower,the precipitation in autumn over Yunnan will increase.
Journal of Yunnan University(Natural Sciences Edition)
autumn precipitation
variation characteristic
atmospheric circulation
water vapor