私车自驾组团出游手机软件的设计基于Baidu Map API的开放平台,通过搭建Android开发环境,建立SQL Server数据库,同时由visual studio创建Web服务器作为连接数据库和android之间的桥梁,实现对数据的存储、更新和读取。组团出游手机软件的设计分为两个模块:数据处理模块和地图模块,其主要功能是实现用户基本的位置定位和实时位置共享,同时还包括POI搜索、短串分享、路径规划等功能。为人们的出游提供一种简单、舒心、快速、便捷的交通模式。
The design of the Private- car Self- driving Travel Mobile Software based on Baidu Map API open platform,by means of setting up the Android development environment and establishing SQL Server database,and building Web Server by visual studio which is used for connecting database and android as a bridge,finally it implements storage,update,and read for data. This APP design is divided into two modules: data processing module and map module,which achieves the main function of basic position and real- time location share for users,meanwhile,includes POI search,share,route- plan and other functions. For people's travel to provide a simple,comfortable,fast and convenient way.
Logistics Engineering and Management