
宇宙射线中子法在荒漠草原土壤水测量中的应用 被引量:7

Application of cosmic-ray neutron method to soil moisture measurement in desert steppe
摘要 选择典型荒漠草原为研究区,开展了宇宙射线中子法在其土壤含水量监测中的适用性分析研究。利用宇宙射线中子传感器(CRS)对典型荒漠草原土壤含水量进行连续监测,将监测结果与时域反射仪(TDR)测量结果进行比对,分析了二者测量结果的一致性,并对比两种土壤水测量方法对降雨响应的灵敏度。结果显示,CRS与TDR测量结果的一致性较高;TDR对降雨事件的反应不够灵敏,而CRS不仅能够快速对降雨做出响应,而且能够清晰显示出不同降雨量条件下土壤含水量的不同变幅。因此,宇宙射线中子法可以较准确地测量荒漠草原的土壤含水量及其动态变化,能够为畜牧管理决策提供依据。 This paper analyses the adaptability of cosmic-ray neutron method in soil moisture measurement,choosing typical desert steppe as the study area. Continuous monitoring is conducted by the Cosmic-RaySensing probe(CRS). By comparing with measuring results of the Time Domain Reflectometry(TDR),theconsistency of soil moisture measured by CRS and TDR and the sensitivity of both methods to rainfall areresearched. Results show that a good consistency of soil moisture measured by CRS and TDR is achievedand that TDR is not sensitive to rainfall, while CRS can not only respond quickly to rainfall but revealclearly corresponding changes of soil moisture led by different rainfalls. It's concluded that cosmic-ray neu-tron method can measure soil moisture and reflect its dynamic change accurately in desert steppe and pro-vide basis for the management decision of animal husbandry.
出处 《中国水利水电科学研究院学报》 北大核心 2015年第6期456-460,共5页 Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
基金 水利部948计划项目(201401) 中国水利水电科学研究院青年专项(JZ0145B042015)
关键词 土壤含水量 CRS TDR 降雨 soil moisture CRS TDR rainfall
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