利用当前主流的信息可视化分析软件Cite Space对2005~2014年间SCI收录的生物信息学的5种高影响力外文期刊所刊载论文的题录数据进行统计和可视化分析,绘制该领域的关键词共现、膨胀词共现、经典文献共现、高被引文献共现和关键节点文献共现的网络可视化图谱,试图揭示生物信息学领域的研究热点、研究前沿以及知识基础,以期帮助研究人员了解该领域在国际范围内的研究态势。
The current well-known information visualization software Cite Space was used for statistical analysis and visualization for papers published in 5 high-impact international SCI journals from 2005 to 2014 in the field of bioinformatics,draw the network visualization patterns of keyword co-occurrence,bursting word co-occurrence,classic literature co-occurrence,highly cited literature co-occurrence and core literatures co-occurrence to reveal hot research topics and knowledge base of international bioinformatics for helping researchers to understand the trend of the research.
Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics