
多种尿液检测方法对尿路感染诊断价值的meta分析 被引量:15

Meta analysis on diagnostic value of multiple urine detection methods for urinary tract infection
摘要 目的采用Meta方法对比多种尿液分析检测方法在尿路感染诊断中的价值,检查方法包括细菌培养、尿沉渣镜检、尿液分析仪、尿液常规干化学法对细菌、白细胞、红细胞等。方法检索论文数据库PubMed、EMbase、Cochrane library、Springerlink、CNKI、万方数据库,检索时限为数据库建库至2014年12月,由两名系统评价员按照纳入排除标准对文献质量进行独立筛选,采用RevMan5.3、Meta-DiSc对纳入研究的文献进行分析,计算合并敏感度(Sen)、特异度(Spe)、阳性似然比(LR+)、阴性似然比(LR-)、诊断比值比(DOR)、绘制SROC曲线。结果 1按照纳入、排除标准最终纳入14篇文献,共9 518例患者(12 560例次);2尿液白细胞检测以尿沉渣镜检为金标准,尿常规干化学法检测AUC为0.9656、综合Sen为0.845(0.805,0.879)、综合Spe为0.944(0.929,0.957);尿液分析仪检测AUC为0.8983,综合Sen为0.631(0.591,0.669),综合Spe为0.929(0.911,0.944);3尿液红细胞检测以尿沉渣镜检为金标准,尿液常规干化学法检测AUC为0.9306、综合Sen为0.590(0.572,0.608),综合Spe为0.948(0.938,0.956);尿液分析仪检测AUC为0.7319,综合Sen为0.473(0.433,0.513),综合Spe为0.971(0.958,0.980);4尿液细菌检测以细菌培养为金标准,尿液分析仪AUC为0.9048,综合Sen为0.842(0.811,0.870),综合Spe为0.881(0.865,0.896)。结论在尿路感染白细胞、红细胞的检查中,尿液常规干化学法在AUC、Sen、Spe方面均优于尿液分析仪,在尿液白细胞、红细胞的检测中具有优势;尿液分析仪在尿液细菌检查诊断价值较高,同时较细菌培养周期短,可推荐用于尿液细菌的筛选,但Sen、Spe均在0.9以下,如需确诊还需要结合细菌培养。 Objective To compare the value of multiple urine detection methods in urinary tract infection by Meta analysis,including bacterial culture,urinary sediment microscopic examination,urine analyzer and routine urine dry chemical method for bacteria,white blood cell and red blood cell.Methods The papers were retrieved from PubMed,EMbase,Cochrane library,Springerlink,CNKI and Wanfang database,with the time limit of retrieval from the establishment of database to December,2014.Two system evaluators performed independent screening for the quality of references according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria in references.RevMan 5.3and Meta-DiSc were adopted for reference analysis.The combination sensitivity(Sen),specificity(Spe),positive likelihood ratio(LR+),negative likelihood ratio(LR-)and diagnosis odds ratio(DOR)were calculated,and SROC curve was drawn.Results 1 14 references were included finally(the information of 9 518 patients in total)according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria;2 urine while blood cell were detected by urinary sediment microscopic examination as the golden standard;according to the detection by the routine urine dry chemical method,the AUC(area under the curve)of SROC is 0.9656,the comprehensive sensitivity was 0.845(0.805,0.879),and the comprehensive specificity 0.944(0.929,0.957);according to the detection by the urine analyzer,the AUC of SROC was 0.8983,the comprehensive sensitivity 0.631(0.591,0.669),and the comprehensive specificity 0.929(0.911,0.944);3 urine red blood cell was detected by urinary sediment microscopic examination as the golden standard;according to the detection by the routine urine dry chemical method,the AUC of SROC was 0.9306,the comprehensive sensitivity 0.590(0.572,0.608),and the comprehensive specificity 0.948(0.938,0.956);according to the detection by the urine analyzer,the AUC of SROC was 0.7319,the comprehensive sensitivity 0.473(0.433,0.513),and the comprehensive specificity 0.971(0.958,0.980);4 Urine bacteria were detectedby bacterial culture as the golden standard;according to the urine analyzer,the AUC of SROC curve fitting was 0.9048,the comprehensive sensitivity 0.842(0.811,0.870),and the comprehensive specificity 0.881(0.865,0.896).Conclusion In the examination of white blood cell and red blood cell under urinary tract infection,the routine urine dry chemical method was superior to urine analyzer in terms of AUC,sensitivity and specificity.In the urine bacterial examination,urine analyzer had higher diagnostic values and a shorter period of bacterial culture.Therefore,urine analyzer was recommended for screening of urine bacteria.However,in order to make a definite diagnosis,it was necessary for the combination of bacterial culture.
出处 《临床荟萃》 CAS 2016年第1期92-99,共8页 Clinical Focus
基金 湖北省教育厅自然科学研究计划项目(D20131308)尿路感染实验室诊断流程研究
关键词 泌尿道感染 META分析 细菌培养 尿沉渣镜检 尿液分析仪 尿液常规干化学法 urinary tract infections meta-analysis bacterial culture urinary sediment microscopic examination urine analyzer routine urine dry chemical method
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