在分析整车结构及动力学特性基础上,构建十四自由度整车非线性动力学模型。采用Magic Formular模型提高轮胎在极限值外置信度和健壮性,精准描述车辆在各种工况下运动特性。同时基于虚拟样机技术建立ADAMS整车模型,结合MATLAB\Simulink联合仿真实验对整车运动特性进行分析。仿真结果表明:车辆模型能够保持对样车运动状态快速响应及跟踪一致性。
The fourteen DOF nonlinear dynamic model of vehicle simulation was built through analyzing the structureand dynamics performance of vehicle model. The model of ADAMS was designed according to virtual prototype technology,Magic Formular was usedto improve the confidence and robustness in the limit tire value. Through the joint simulation of ADAMS and MATLAB / Simulink,it is shown that vehicle simulation has a better performance in the steering characteristics and stability on vehicle.
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