
海洋地理不利国问题之中国视角再审视 被引量:7

Review on the Issue of the Marine Geographically Disadvantaged States from the Perspective of China
摘要 海洋"地理不利国"问题曾在第三次联合国海洋法会议上被热议,并体现于1982年《联合国海洋法公约》中。本文先从"地理不利国"概念的起源谈起,探讨"地理不利国"具体概念和确定标准。再根据1982年《联合国海洋法公约》以及相关国际法,分析海洋地理不利国家所具有的特殊海洋权益。最后根据对我国地理、人口、资源、经济等因素的分析,得出我国是海洋地理不利国家,应优先享有相应海洋权益的结论。 The issue of geographically disadvantaged states was once discussed on the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea,and defined by UNCLOS of 1982. From the origin of this concept,this article tried to search for a specific definition and criteria for a geographically disadvantaged state. Then,according to UNCLOS and relevant international law,this article also analyzed and classified the special maritime priority,which shall be acquired by the geographically disadvantaged states. At last,based on the analysis of geography,economy,environment,and population factors of China,this article came to the conclusion that China is a geographically disadvantaged state and China shall be entitled to related priority.
作者 邢望望
机构地区 上海交通大学
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期11-19,共9页 Pacific Journal
关键词 《联合国海洋法公约》 地理不利国家 海洋权益 联合国海洋法会议 UNCLOS geographically disadvantaged states marine priority United Nations conference on the law of the sea
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  • 1Stephen C. Vaseiannie, Land-Locked and Geographically Disadvantaged States in the International Law of the Sea, Clarendon Press, 1990, p. 17.
  • 2Lucius Caflisc, " What is a Geographically Disadvantaged State?", Ocean Development & International Law, 1987, pp. 641 - 663, 643.
  • 3I.C.J. Rep. 969, p. 50.
  • 4Ibler Vladimir, "The Land-Locked and Shelf-Locked States and the Development of the Law of the Sea", Annals of International Studies, No. 4, 1973, pp. 55-65.
  • 5Ibler Vladirair, "The Interests of Shelf-locked States and the Proposed Development of the Law of the Sea", Indian Journal oflnter- national Law, No. 11, 1971, pp. 389 -410.
  • 6Lucius Caflisc, " What is a Geographically Disadvantaged State.'?", Ocean Development & International Law, 1987, pp. 641 -663.
  • 7联合国海洋法外交会议记录,文件号:A/CONF.62/C.2/L.36,http://legal,un.org/diplomaticconferences/lawofthesea一1982/V013.html.
  • 8联合国海洋法外交会议记录,文件号:A/CONF.62/BUR/SR.17,http://legal.un.org/diplomaticeonferenees/lawofthesea一1982docsvol—V/a—eonf一62一bur—sr-17.pdf.
  • 9Bailey, James E.,"The Unanticipated Effects of Boundaries: the Exclusive Economic Zone and Geographically Disadvantaged States under UNCLOS III", IBRU Boundary and Security Bulletin, 1997, p. 89.
  • 10Lucius Caflisc, " What is a Geographically Disadvantaged State?", Ocean Development & International Law, 1987, pp. 641 - 663, 655.











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