
隐含权力:普通法对香港政制的影响——解释权的民主性 被引量:2

The Implied Power: the Influence of Common Law for Hong Kong's Political System——On Democracy of Interpretative Power
摘要 普通法是判例法,也是法官法,其依据先例但不凭借制定法创制具有约束力规则,是一种特殊立法。这一事实上的造法行为有违民主,且早已被世界范围内其他普通法地区所深味。在成文法时期,普通法法官须面对民主的政治机关的制定法,客观上凸现了解释权的重要,解释方法的选择成为评判是否尊重民主、厉行法治的重要标准。我国香港法院的解释权并非内在于普通法,而是基本法赋予其成立的基础。两种解释导致对同一法律文本产生不同的含义,文本和立法目的成为区别普通法与民法法的重要分野。但是,过分执着于区别两种解释方法既不符合客观现实,也无助于弥合解释差异,更不利于普通法的发展。在寻求一致性的解释之路上,两种方法可彼此靠拢,互为借鉴。香港法院应吸取教训,克制普通法的造法冲动,谨守解释权的诸种限制,善待民主。 Common law is a case law and judge-made law,it is a special legislation which creates binding rules based upon precedents but not statute. The factually making law violates democracy which is deeply understood by other common law jurisdictions around the world. In written constitution era,common law judge should interprets the statute enacted by democratic political branch,the power to interpret is becoming more and more important,and the selection of interpretative method is the standard of evaluating whether democracy and exercise rule of law are respect or not. Interpretive power of Hong Kong courts is not inherent in common law but granted by Basic Law. Two kinds of interpretation approaches lead to two meaning for one legal text,and the text and legislative intent is the key to differ from common law and civil law. Though paying great attention to the difference of interpretive approach is not only objective,but also not helpful for shorten those gaps and common law development. In a way of seeking out consistency,two methods may come close and borrow from each other. Hong Kong courts should learn their lessons from the past and restraint impulse to make law in interpreting process,abiding by every kind of limitation and treat democracy well.
作者 郑贤君
出处 《河南财经政法大学学报》 2016年第1期20-35,共16页 Journal of Henan University of Economics and Law
关键词 普通法 法官造法 解释权 立法目的 文本主义 common law judge-made law power to interpret legislative intent textualism
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