
试析中美战略与经济对话 被引量:5

Initial Analysis of the Sino-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue
摘要 进入21世纪以来,处于"战略机遇期"的中国持续崛起,处在"战略间歇期"的美国则倍感危机,中美两国如何处理综合国力对比的变化成为影响中美关系走向和21世纪国际格局变化的重要因素。2009年开启的中美战略与经济对话为中美关系的再定位和两国间的沟通提供了宽广的平台。然而,核心议题"缓不济急"、实质性成果的缺乏和安全对话的滞后成为对话面临的主要困境。鉴于此,提升对话级别、增加对话频率,加速推进安全领域对话,突出危机管控机制建设,加强中美对话体系性建设成为推动中美战略与经济对话发展、促进中美新型大国关系构建的重要路径。 Since the beginning of 21st century,China has continued its grown in 'the period of strategic opportunity',which makes the United States feel worried as it is now in the state of'strategic stagnation'.How they deal with the change of comprehensive national power will influence the future of Sino-US relations and the international order in the 21st century.The establishment of'Sino-U.S.Strategic and Economic Dialogue'in 2009 has provided a platform for the communication and cooperation between the U.S.and China.However,the slow development of communication in the security area and,the lack of breakthrough on core issues have become the factors which hamper the progress of S &ED.For that reason,we need to enhance the level and frequency of the dialogue,promote the communication in security and the construction of crisis control,and strengthen the system construction of bilateral dialogue between the U.S.and China and accelerate the progress of S &ED and the construction of a new model of major-country relations between China and the United States.
作者 严双伍 徐晶
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期8-13,79,共6页 International Forum
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