
希腊化时期古希腊体育馆社会职能探析 被引量:1

The Social Functions of Greek Gymnasia in Hellenistic Period
摘要 体育馆是古希腊特有的城邦公共空间和文化载体。希腊化时期,随着建城运动的开展,体育馆作为希腊式城市的地标建筑之一出现在希腊人所征服和统治的世界。一方面,作为散居各地希腊人的精神寄托与身份象征,它是希腊文化传统,尤其是希腊生活方式得以维系的媒介;另一方面,作为一个文化教育中心,它在传播希腊文化的同时也成为其他民族融入希腊文化圈的有效途径。正是在这样一个东西方诸文明互动交融的时代,古希腊体育馆功能实现了历史性蜕变,从单纯的健身场馆,到公民兵集训地,最后成为真正意义的希腊学校。体育馆在角色转换的同时,也见证了希腊化城市与王国的历史沉浮。 In Hellenistic period, following the extensive and wide--spread Hellenistic settlements, gymnasia as one kind of repre- sentatives in Hellenistic cities expanded into the Hellenistic world which was conquered and dominated by Greek people. On one hand, since gymnasia symbolized Greek spirit and identity especially for Greeks in diaspora, they were not only a Greek custom but also a media to continue Greek life; on the other hand, as education centre, they supplied a way for non--Greeks to be assimilated in- to Greek world in the process of cultural communication. It is in the fusion and diffusion between Greek and Oriental civilizations that Greek gymnasia achieved historical revolution, which originated from athletic pavilions followed by military--training places for citi- zen-soldiers and then completely transformed into Greek schools. What's more, while changing their social functions, gymnasia witnessed the rise and decline of Hellenistic cities and kingdoms.
作者 张琳
出处 《体育与科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期70-74,共5页 Sports & Science
关键词 希腊化时代 体育馆 职能 演变 Hellenistic Period Gymnasia functions evolution
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