
基于机器视觉的药筒传火孔可靠性测量方法研究 被引量:1

Effective Area Measurement of Cartridges Flash Holes Based on Machine Vision System
摘要 为了解决大批量药筒传火孔的有效通火面积的精确高效测量,提出了使用机器视觉技术和图像处理方法对药筒传火孔有效面积进行自动测量的方法。测量系统采用工业CMOS数字相机、光学镜头组、背光源、计算机等仪器设备搭建,结合开发的专用图像处理算法和软件,通过对所拍摄图片中传火孔光斑的像素点数的测量,实现了药筒传火孔有效通火面积的测量。经过对系统的标定实验表明:该系统的测量误差约为5‰,极限尺寸的标定精度高,可有效防止误测,满足药筒传火孔的测量精度要求。应用结果表明,该系统测量精度完全能达到设计要求,测量效率可达20件/分。 In order to solve the problem of accurate and efficient measurement of the effective fire area of the flash hole in bulk,an automatic measurement method for the effective area of the flash hole with machine vision technology and image processing technique is proposed. The measurement system was set up with industrial Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor( CMOS) camera,optical lens groups,backlight source and computer etc,combining with special image processing software and the measurement of effective fire area of the flash hole was realized. The calibration tests show that the system measurement error is about 5‰ and the ultimate size of the calibration has a small floating range,it can meet the measurement accuracy requirements of the cartridge flash hole. Practical application results show that the system measurement precision can meet the design requirements,and the measuring efficiency reaches 20 pieces per minute.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期40-43,共4页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
基金 山西省研究生优秀创新项目(20133095)资助
关键词 测量 标定 机器视觉 传火孔 可靠性 calculations calibration CMOS integrated circuits computer software computer vision design of experiments efficiency image acquisition image processing image segmentation interference suppression measurements personal pixels reliability flash hole machine vision
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