
新型混联腹腔镜手术机器人的运动学建模与优化 被引量:5

Kinematics Modeling and Optimization of a Hybrid Robotic Manipulator for Laparoscopic Surgery
摘要 提出一种专为腹腔镜手术设计的新型混联手术机器人。该机器人由两个解耦并联机构混联而成,机器人可为手术器械提供多自由度操作空间。先用叠加法对混联机器人进行整体运动学建模,提出了基于腹腔镜手术特征的机器人术中运动规划并简化了机构输入量,利用手术器械的"杠杆"映射原理求得其末端操作点的速度雅克比矩阵,又根据雅克比条件数给出了机器人在术前定位时的最佳初始位形,建立并使用"灵巧度-体积"综合因素指标对器械操作点的工作空间进行优化。结果表明:在优化后工作空间中机器人不但具有良好的运动灵巧度,同时工作空间大小也能满足微创手术操作的要求。 This paper presents the structural design of a new hybrid surgical robotic manipulator for laparoscopic surgery. The proposed surgical robot which can provide multi degrees of freedom is combined by two decoupled parallel mechanisms. The kinematic model of the whole robot is presented by means of superposition. Motion planning based on laparoscopic surgery is built to reduce the number of structural inputs. The Jacobian matrix of the operation point is also solved by using the mapping principle of the surgical instrument. The best configuration of the robot in preoperative localization is presented on the basis of Jacobian condition number. "Dexterity-Space"index is established to optimize the workspace of the operation point. The result indicates that the robotic manipulator provides better dexterity and fits the need of laparoscopic surgery operation.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期56-62,共7页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51175345) 上海市浦江人才计划项目(10PJ1407800)资助
关键词 手术机器人 运动规划 工作空间优化 运动灵巧度 conformal mapping Jacobian matrices kinematics manipulators mathematical models MATLAB mechanisms motion planning optimization robots schematic diagrams structural design surgery velocity dexterity Jacobian condition number surgical robot
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