为了监测野外古墓的外部环境,采用了6Lo WPAN协议实现节点与边界路由器、上位机、服务器和手机客户端之间数据与命令的传输。各节点能通过边界路由器发送数据到上位机,上位机能指示发生异常震动时的具体方位,闪烁异常震动区域,调整传感器灵敏度。节点有效监测范围达15 m,能向服务器更新当前数据,可通过Yeelink手机客户端或自建微信公众号onet6获取各节点资源。因此能代替有线式的监测系统实现对野外古墓葬外部环境的监测。
In order to monitor the external environment monitoring of wild ancient tombs,6Lo WPAN protocol wasused to realize the transaction of data and command among nodes,edge border router,server and the mobile phoneclient. Each node sends data to the PC software through the border router. The PC software can indicate the specificazimuth anomaly vibration,flash abnormal vibration area,carry out the anomaly threshold setting and adjust the sen-sitivity of sensor and the last two time vibration value. The effective scope of monitoring node can cover up to 15 me-ters,also can update the current data to server. Through the Yeelink mobile phone client or self-built We Chat pub-lic number onet6,we can access resources of each node. Therefore,it can replace the cable type monitoring systemto monitor the field of ancient tombs in the external environment.
Chinese Journal of Electron Devices