目的探讨早期声门型喉癌患者CO_2激光术后声带粘连的相关因素。方法回顾性分析51例行CO_2激光手术治疗的早期声门型喉癌患者的临床资料,对其中发生声带粘连者其声带粘连与手术类型、肿瘤T分期、前联合是否受侵犯和术后是否出现肉芽等因素的相关性进行分析。结果 51例患者中,术后发生声带粘连23例,占45.10%(23/51),其中按手术分型:Ⅱ型1例(12.50%,1/8),Ⅲ型2例(22.22%,2/9),Ⅳ型6例(50%,6/12),Ⅴ型14例(63.64%,14/22),各型间差异有统计学意义(χ~2(校正)=9.17,P〈0.05);按肿瘤T分期:T_(is)2例(14.29%,2/14),T_(1a)12例(46.15%,12/26),Tlb 3例(100%,3/3),T_2 6例(75%,6/8),不同分期间差异有统计学意义(χ~2(校正)=13.84,P〈0.05);前联合受侵犯9例(56.25%,9/16),前联合未侵犯14例(40%,14/35),两者差异无统计学意义(χ~2=1.171,P〉0.05);喉内高出声带表面肉芽25例(49.02%,25/51),其中8例因单一肉芽因素导致声带粘连,占32%(8/25)。结论早期声门型喉癌患者CO_2激光手术后声带粘连与手术类型、肿瘤T分期及术后肉芽增生有关。
Objective To evaluate the factors related to the postoperative vocal cord adhesion in CO_2 laser surgery for the early glottic carcinoma.Methods Retrospective analysis of 51 cases of early glottic laryngeal carcinoma treated with CO_2 laser surgery were carried out.Correlation analysis for the vocal cord adhesion with types of surgery,T-stages of tumor,whether infiltrated to the anterior commissure and granulation.Results In these cases,reoccurred vocal coed adhesion were 23 cases,accounted for 45.10%.Among 23 cases type Ⅱ surgery adhesion occurred postoperatively on 1 case(12.50%),type Ⅲ surgery 2 cases(22.22%),type Ⅳ surgery 6 cases(50%),and type Ⅴ surgery 14 cases(63.63%).The difference between the groups was statistically significant(χ~2=9.17,P〈0.05).According to carcinoma T-stages for the vocal cord adhesion,T_(is) were2 cases(14.29%),T_(1a) 12 cases(46.15%),T_(1b) 3 cases(100%),T_2 6 cases(75%),the difference between the groups was statistically significant(χ~2=13.84,P〈0.05).Infiltrated to the anterior commissure were 9 cases(56.25%),un infiltrated to the anteri or commissure were 14 cases(40%),the difference between the groups was not statistically significant(χ~2=1.171,P〉0.05).Vocal cord granulation was found in 25 cases,8 cases adhesions with the individual factors directly,accounted for 32%(8/25).Conclusion The postoperative vocal cord adhesion in CO_2 laser surgery for early glottic carcinoma is related to the surgical types,tumorous T-stages and granulation tissue.
Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology
Glottic carcinoma
CO_2 laser surgery
Vocal cord adhesion