

Improved SFS Algorithm Based on the Micro Dot
摘要 目的对原有明暗恢复形貌算法(SFS)进行改进,以提高调幅网点立体形态还原精度。方法通过显微测试系统准确采集网点灰度图像,后利用改进的明暗恢复形貌算法对光照参数进行八邻域估计,得到点光源的偏角和倾角,从而对调幅网点进行三维立体还原。结果与原有算法相比,改进的算法精确且直观地构建了点的三维立体模型,真实反映了印刷过程中网点传递的具体情况。结论加入光照参数估计后的形貌恢复算法是微观物质三维形态还原的有效工具,可以提高提取网点微观立体形态的精度,为进一步从源头上控制印刷质量提供思路。 The original shaping from shading (SFS) algorithm was adopted to improve the restoring accuracy of the morphology of micro dot. On the basis of the gray image of dot accurately collected by the micro test system, the improved SFS algorithm added with the eight neighboring estimations of the illumination parameters was adopted to construct the 3D resoration of amplitude-modulated dots. Compared to the original algorithm, the improved algorithm accurately and visually constructed the 3D model of the printing dot, which accurately reflected the transferring conditions during the process of printing. The improved algorithm with the estimation of the illumination parameters was an effective tool for 3D restoration of micro dot morphology, which can improve the accuracy of extracting the micro 3D morphology of dots, providing ideas for further control of Drintin2 oualitv.
作者 王茜 王琪
机构地区 南京林业大学
出处 《包装工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期134-138,共5页 Packaging Engineering
基金 江苏省普通高校学术学位研究生科研创新计划(KYLX_0881)
关键词 微观立体 改进SFS算法 光照参数估计 micro 3D improved SFS algorithm estimation of illumination parameters
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